Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Jane is back

I woke up hearing Chris open the front door. I guess he went running because I heard him come back before 7. I tried to go back to sleep or do some mental programming. He took his shower and got ready for work. I may have delayed him. I got out of bed after 8. I sat on the steps in the back, experiencing the morning sun. It had rained so I did not water the plants, but picked a tomato, a cucumber, and a long hot pepper. I drank a quart of water while reading e-mail. I rubbed my hair with a towel to get some of the oil out. Jennifer sent me an address and I used it to prepare a sympathy card. I walked it down to the mail box in lower housing. I listened to an interview from the Alzheimers and Dementia summit. I worked today’s puzzle. I opened two windows and turned on the fan for a bit for air exchange. Then I closed the windows as the day heated up. When the interview was over, it was time for yoga. I grabbed my mat and headed to the gym. I was the only student there, so we talked for a bit. Then other ladies came, some with kids. So yoga started late. It also finished late. I tapped my watch to remind Joelle how late it was. On the way out, I ran into Anna. She was talking to Myra. Myra was babysitting for Kelly who was at the hospital with her son. I walked home and called Myra, but she had to go because one of the kids got paint all over her hands. I made and ate breakfast. I listened to a meditation and fell asleep. Myra called to say another one went to the hospital. I finished the meditation. I watered some of the flowers, and sprayed the lettuce with something to discourage moths. I stuffed my dress form because it seemed to be collapsing. I finished the binding on the neck edge of the peplum top. I was about to start another project when Jane called. She wanted me to sign her on post when she got here. So I took a shower, then walked to the gate to sign her in. She got cash from the ATM and we talked. She came back early from the U.S. because of the heat. That seemed funny to me since it is getting hotter and more humid here all the time. I signed her out, then walked home. I drank two cups of salt water. Chris came home and made his supper. I ate the rest of the bison and some bell pepper. Then I worked on a make-over for a jacket. When Chris was ready, we sat down to watch three episodes of Bones. Chris went to bed. I posted a reminder for QOV tomorrow. Soon, I shall be in bed, too.
* I did not take any pics today, so here is one of a shirt in progress from a few days ago. *

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