Thursday, July 14, 2016

Sun today!

Chris woke me up early with caresses. I guess he wanted a reason not to go to PT. Anyway, he was out the door to work by 8. I did not get up right away, even though I remembered the recyclables. But 15 minutes later, I got them out the door. I spent some time sitting on the porch, looking in the direction of the sun. Then I walked through the yard picking up worm castings and putting them in the flower beds. I came in and washed off my feet and hands. I drank water while meditating. It is day 3 for Deepak and Oprah’s new meditation series and I am just now getting around to day 1. I read e-mail. I listened to a long tapping audio. During the audio I ate seed crackers and checked Swansons.
I took a shower and got dressed. I grabbed the extra shovel and my tote bags. I dropped the shovel off at Housing on my way to the chapel for QOV. Myra was there, as was Kelly and two of her girls. Others came in later. It was well after 1 when they finally left. Anna dropped me off at the five-day market. I thought she was coming along, but she went home. I walked through Home Plus first, looking for a large carabiner. But I only found small ones. I did find a plastic handle with hook for carrying plastic bags. Then I went across the street to the market. I wandered along its length with one goal in mind – to buy kimchi. But I got weak and bought dehydrated sweet potatoes and cranberries. At the kimchi stand, the lady did not understand what I meant by old kimchi. So I turned on the wi-fi and data network for my phone. Then I called up the translation app and typed in ‘old kimchi’. She understood then, and pulled out a bag from the back. She had me taste it, perhaps not sure this meeguk understood what I was asking for. It was delicious. So I bought 5000 won worth, which was a bigger amount than if I had bought the fresh stuff. On the way back to the main street, I got some lettuce plants. I used my bag holders to carry my purchases. I went to the bus stop and called Myra to be sure which bus came to the base. But that one was 34 stops away, so I took 163, which goes to Masan, and got off before it turned to leave town. I still had a long walk back, about the same as from the everyday market. I was dripping sweat when I got back home. I put the food away and the lettuce outside. I made and ate breakfast while finishing my audio. I started watching a presentation on Vimeo called “Killing us Softly 4” where the speaker talks about how females are portrayed in advertisements. But the video did not play well and despite several refreshes I was not able to view the entire thing. I just had time to eat a few dehydrated sweet potato sticks before I had to leave for sewing class. As I walked out the front door, Kelly was driving by and offered me a ride. But I wanted to drive to keep in practice. So I drove to the FFTC and walked to the chapel. Myra was just getting Kelly and her daughter started sewing. Others arrived shortly, with children. It was a full house, sharing machines and scissors. I showed one little girl how to rotary cut blocks (under close supervision). I showed her even younger sister how to hand sew around an image she drew. Keeping everyone busy kept Myra and me busy. Hai Wa kept the other kids busy. We packed up a little late, but stood in the parking lot talking for an hour. When I got home, Chris wanted to watch Big Bang Theory because the episodes are shorter. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to blog and avoid Pinterest.
* These are for carrying bags. Cheap, convenient, but not for high volume. *

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