Saturday, July 23, 2016

The protest

I stayed up late just watching Bones, so when we went to bed, it was after midnight. Needless to say, we slept late. I remember having a dream and then asking myself the questions I had read in an article. Who are you in the dream? What is your purpose? What do you like about being this object? What do you dislike about being this object? What do you fear most? What do you desire most? How does this resemble a situation in your waking life? I don’t even remember the answers now. After getting up, I swished with charcoal and baking soda while watering the flower beds. I picked three tomatoes. I heard the magpies making velociraptor sounds. It was a little unnerving. Usually they make a ‘yuk,yuk,yuk’ sound like they are laughing at me. (I so hope it was the magpies.)
I brought the tomatoes in and got a quart of water to drink while I read e-mail. I finished yesterday’s puzzle. I did my exercises while listening to an audio. I looked up some actors and actresses from the episode of Bones last night. I read e-mail, then unloaded the dishwasher. I skyped with Dad and Kurt and Faye. It felt like reunion week for me. I made and ate breakfast, Then I went out to view the protest but did not see anyone. I re-tied the squash, and raked a little. I came in to practice singing the hymns. I made copies from my hymnal. I heard a Korean voice from a loud speaker. It was closer than before. I went out again and this time could see the crowd, but just barely through the trees. The sounds alternated between passionate speech and a song which sounded like something from a kids show. I went in. I read about the hymns online, looking for something to say as an introduction. I worked on the weekend puzzle. I made a makeshift double boiler to melt cocoa butter. While it was melting, I blended up the food waste and poured it on the garden. Then I stirred in coco powder. When I put in the Manuka honey, the chocolate seized. There was no pouring it, so I rolled it into balls with my hands and put the balls in the fridge to harden. At least they don’t melt in your hands.
Chris came home from work and the commissary with groceries. He cooked steaks in the oven and quinoa on the stove top. We ate. I changed my clothes and we walked to the theater. We saw Independence Day: Resurgence. It was ok, but I liked the first one better. Then we walked home in the dark. I played through the hymns for tomorrow just to see how easy or difficult it was. Then I played the trombone parts for When the Saints Go Marching In. I packed up the trombone and the music. Chris helped me look for my trombone stand, but it was nowhere to be found. I took the top off of a wire music stand and rubberbanded a quilted square to the top of the stem. That seemed to work so I packed it up, too, for tomorrow morning. I posted to my blog while listening to a Schuman Resonance audio. Chris made coffee so he could stay up and play with the voices.
* Here is my lettuce, doing well under the protection of tulle *

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