Sunday, July 31, 2016

Got that window covered

I slept well after turning off the router last night, even with the plastic bag over my oily hair. I did some mental programming when I heard the alarm ring. I got dressed and emptied the dehumidifier. I squeezed a lemon into my quart of water. I took it out back to sit on the steps in the sun. I could tell it had rained. A small dog came running around the corner. But when he got near me, he stopped. His eyes widened, and he turned around and ran back. I did not recognize him and no one was calling a dog. I separated the laundry and started the darker load. I opened two windows and turned on the fan for some air exchange before the day heated up. Then I sat down to delete the first round of e-mail. I got one from Chris and I replied to it. I took a shower and got dressed. I drove to church. During announcements, the chaplain mentioned that this was the Korean vacation period – about 2 weeks when places shut down and they all go to the beach. I stayed late after the service talking to the chaplain’s wife. Then I drove home to change my clothes. I did another load of wash. I loaded the dishwasher. I sat cross-legged on the couch while listening to Dr. Daniel Amen talk about brain health. I went out to water the plants and mow the lawn. But the battery was running slow on a low charge. I tested the outlet and for some reason it was off so it hadn’t charged the battery. So I turned it on and plugged the battery in. I watered the grass in spots where it was thin. I came in to check the dishwasher. It was finished. I checked e-mail. I listened to an audio and several meditations while ironing fabrics and picking up all the loose threads on the floor. I laid down for the beach visualization. Then I realized it was 7pm so I ran outside to cut the lawn. But the battery was not charged enough to finish the job. I came in. I cut up a blackout curtain panel and pieced it back together to be the right dimension. I nailed it to the wall above the window (I tried pins but they couldn’t handle the weight). Then I checked e-mail. I researched the price of dried unsweetened cranberries and oatmeal on Amazon. I watched an episode of Bones because I felt I deserved some down time. And then it was time for bed, in my darker bedroom.
* this is a button store at Seomun market *

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