Monday, July 11, 2016

FRG and fabric market

Chris got up early to go to PT. I heard him come home at 8. I got up and he laid on the floor. I checked e-mail while drinking and then swishing. Chris got dressed and went to work. I exercised and drybrushed and rebounded. I made coffee. I meditated and tapped. Nela called to ask me to pay for her yard sale table at the FRG meeting. I cleaned in the kitchen, then got dressed. I ate some seed crackers. I took my umbrella to the FRG meeting, running into Chris on the way. The meeting was short and informative. They are looking for volunteers. I paid for Nela’s table and for Anna’s because she did not have the money with her. Afterward I called Nela, but she was still having lunch with the ladies. So I walked home. It was kind of rainy. I watered my bowls of lettuce. I ate the remaining blueberries on the plant. I loaded the bread machine and turned it on. I made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail. Nela called to say they were coming by to pick me up. I threw on some shoes and went outside. I placed the plastic bag back on the downspout. The van arrived so I got in beside Myra. Nela handed me $10. Kim drove us to Busan following Mrs. Oh’s directions. But it got confusing. We parked in the deck and walked across the street to the market. We looked at salmon pink trims for Kim’s dress. We looked at glitzy fake jewelry. We wandered around. We went back to where I got the red, white and black fabric. I bought more for sleeves. I also got some shiny blues for a Navy ball dress (with a little luck). We walked around until the vendors packed up and went home. We stopped at the thread store for Kim to buy thread. We got in her van and went back to Chinhae. Mrs. Oh tried to direct by calling someone, but it was confusing again, so we just followed the GPS. Kim dropped me off at my house. Chris was already home. I ate some chicken and cucumbers. I read a posting about interesting web sites (like I need more of those.) Then we watched one episode of Bones. He went to bed before 10. I stayed up to blog and could not resist another audio.
* The fabric lady threw in a piece of silver for free *

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