Thursday, March 2, 2017

A little closer to free motion

I got up after Chris left for work. I drank lime water and read e-mail. I exercised and listened to an audio from the Age without Borders summit. At 10 I started listening to the tapping summit interviews. Chris came home for lunch. He wanted to go to the ROK base and get photographs taken for our visa applications. So I took a shower and got dressed. He drove us over there. We went to the second floor of the main building. There was no line. First I sat down and the man took three shots of me. Then Chris took off his glasses and he sat down to have his picture taken. We waited for pictures to come out. Chris paid the man 24,000 won. Then we went back to the car and back to our base. Terri texted me that she was going to the sauna. So I packed my sauna bag and met her there. We sat a long time, drinking water and talking. Finally I had to go for my massage appointment. We took showers there and walked home. I dropped off my wet suit and picked up some Epsom salt. Then I walked out into town. There appeared to be no one there when I arrived. I called out and the lady came out of one of the rooms, probably sleeping. She took my money, then got me a tub of hot water to soak my feet. She woke up the guy I prefer for the massages. I selected some classical music on my phone. I leaned back and relaxed during the foot soak. Then the man came out and dried my feet. He put classical music on the store speakers so I shut off my phone. I enjoyed the massage with my eyes closed. I could hear him sniffle and I remembered that he was sniffling last week too. So after the massage, I gave him some essential oil balls to help him get over his cold. Then I walked back to base. I called Myra to see what she was up to. Then I went home. I checked e-mail and put on an audio. I started a Sudoku puzzle. Chris came home from work. He said he had time to watch an episode of Merlin before he had to meet an officer from the ROK base to go out to dinner. But I did not take him up on his offer soon enough. I was distracted by the audio and the puzzle. Then Chris said there wasn't enough time. He played his game for a few minutes, then walked out to the front gate to meet the man. I did some tapping for my reluctance to free-motion quilt, then practiced with no thread on a sample, and on an unfinished quilt. I looked at more designs online. I drew something on paper and practiced the motion. I measured the spaces and made dots at the important parts. I pinned the sample in those places and quilted between the pins. Then I got out the final quilt and started pinning the important spots. But as I got to the other side, the distances did not match the edge of the center of the quilt. I heard the Facebook text sound on my laptop and stopped to answer it. I texted back and forth with Maryann for awhile. Then I remembered that the current Swanson offer expired at midnight. So I got my list of items I was running out of. I put as many as I could in my cart. But some things had to be ordered on Amazon. So I put together an Amazon order. I had to wrestle with it because one item said it had free shipping but when I put it in my cart, I was charged for shipping. So I had to select another seller. Anyway, I went back to work on the Swanson order. I had to wrestle with it, too, because it kept throwing out my citronella essential oil. Then Chris came home. It was after midnight. He smelled of garlic and beer. He was more than tipsy. I had never seen him like that. But apparently that is what is expected in Korea. He was funny and romantic. A little too much of both. I tried to get him to go to bed so I could finish my order and write my blog. It took me an hour. Finally, he went to brush his teeth and I escaped to the livingroom to finish up and go to sleep.
* Chris had his official picture taken. *

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