Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The class that almost wasn't

I heard Chris get up early and go to work. It must have been before six. I stayed in bed hoping to go back to sleep and I might have. But the thought of recycling got me out of bed. I threw on some clothes, put the items in bags and took them out to the curb. Our food waste container was there from yesterday so I brought it in. I drank lemon water and took vitamin C. I cleared the kitchen sink. I listened to the next episode of the Thyroid Secret while reading e-mail. I was not listening intently because it was about pregnancy. But I did hear things that reminded me of when I was pregnant and post-partum. They also said a lot of Down's syndrome kids have undiagnosed thyroid problems. I looked up ways to support my thyroid. When the episode was over, it was time for the next tapping summit round. I made breakfast, then I called up the first interview while I ate. It was about clearing the fear of upcoming events. I took a break to load the Yahoo app on my phone so that the next time I needed access to my e-mail away from home, I could have it.
I arrived at the chapel at noon. In the classroom, the tables were in lines and there were papers and books on some of them. The whiteboard was covered in writing and the projection screen was lowered. There was no one in the office to ask if someone was using our room. I called Myra and she had not heard anything about it. She recommended canceling class. Suzanne showed up and she asked the Korean cleaning ladies. They said the papers were there from yesterday and no one had been in there all morning. So we decided to have class until/unless someone came to use the room. While we were setting up, the office manager came to tell us the room had been reserved. So we moved the stuff from the closet into the other classroom. Chantal and Chong and So Young showed up. So Young said her neighbor ordered an apron from her. So she picked out fabrics from the baskets and made one. I suggested that her neighbor make a donation for the fabric used. Then she made a second apron for herself. Suzanne made two pillow covers. Chong finished an apron and made a baby block. Chantal worked on a baby dress. Tammy brought a quilt top to work on. She showed us a Dobby that she had crocheted. It was amazing.
Myra and some of the ladies from the tea ceremony came to the class when they got back on post. About 2:45 I suggested packing up but so many wanted to stay. Myra said she'd stay and pack up since we could not put our stuff away until the other class was over. I accepted her offer.
I left the chapel with my bags of stuff and walked home.
I ate some meat solids from the bone broth I made a while back. It put me to sleep. I tried to stay awake and go to line dancing but was unsuccessful.
Chris came home from work. He listened to me emote about things that happened today. I made and ate a salad.
We watched one episode of Merlin. I gave Chris some vitamin C and he went to bed. It was only 7pm. I drew a diagram of a quilt from a picture online. I read e-mail and listened to some audios. I did some non-Sudoku puzzles from the back of the book. I drank some water with vit. C, ACV and magnesium in it. I listened to another audio while typing up my blog post.
* Tammy crocheted this character. *

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