Monday, March 6, 2017

Unexpected turn of events

Last night I tried to join the edges of my binding before I went to bed. It did not go well. I did it twice, then gave up and went to bed.
I got up a little before 8. Chris had come back to bed, coughing and I was afraid I would catch whatever it was. I put hydrogen peroxide in my ears and on my toothbrush. Then I swished while preparing coffee and doing my exercises. Chris left for work. I emptied the dishwasher and was enjoying my coffee morning all to myself, when Chris came home for lunch at 11. He was early and he wanted me to go to Busan tomorrow to submit visa applications for China. My mind was on other things, meditation and tapping. I had to reorient my attention to hear what he was saying. It did not sound like something I wanted to do. But I agreed. I finished up my coffee morning while he had lunch and returned to work. I cleaned both bathrooms and the kitchen. I checked e-mail. I joined the ends of the binding of my quilt. It went better this time. I still had to do it a second time to get it right. But then I was able to sit and finish it while listening to the first tapping audio for today. The second audio was problematic. It loaded only a few seconds of dialogue per minute. I tried it on the other laptop and got the same result. So I gave up on it. I called Myra to see if she wanted to go for a walk, but she was busy with her quilt. I ironed the binding on my quilt and examined it for loose threads. I pinned one part which I thought could use more quilting. I took my book and headed for the trail. As I walked, I saw a golf cart coming toward me. It was Scott and Ray. I stopped to talk to them and then got out of the way so they could drive by.
I walked to the first exercise station and read a few pages. Then I walked up the steep part, and across and down to the third exercise station. I sat in the sun and read quite a few pages. At one point I could smell cigarette smoke, but could not see anyone anywhere. Finally I walked home. I called Myra on the way and asked if she would like to come to Busan with me. She suggested that Ms. Kim could do it on post. So I walked down there, but she was gone for the day. I went home. I called Chris and he said that Ms. Kim only did Korean visa things. Myra texted me a picture of her quilt which was finished. I told her that Ms. Kim could not help. Myra told me that tomorrow is her anniversary. Scott reminded her that there are demonstrations in Busan so it might not be safe for two American women to be traveling there. I called Chris and he said the Chinese visa application place was not near the demonstrations. I took some time to tap on my most bitchy thoughts and nearly fell asleep. When Chris came home, he left the application packets on my laptop for me to review. As I looked through them, I found errors and omissions, which I pointed out. He corrected them on his computer. I also saw that expedited applications had to be made by 11:30. I looked up the address online. I cross-referenced it with the subway map. It was reportedly a three hour trip.
I had invited Terri to come along as well, so I called her to see if she could make it, and she could not. Then I called Myra. We decided we needed to leave earlier than expected. To catch the 7am bus to Busan, I asked Chris to drive us there at 6:45am. Neither Myra nor I were excited about getting up that early. And was not projecting a warm day. Chris went back to work to print out new corrected pages while I ate my supper (bean soup) at 9pm. Then I finished the tapping audio that had finally loaded. Chris went to bed. I did the tapping meditation for Day 7. Then I wrote up my blog post and got ready for bed.
* This is Myra's finished quilt.*

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