Monday, March 20, 2017

An Unexpected Find

I got up soon after my alarm went off. Chris had already left for work. He had bean soup cooking in the crock pot. I swished and drank a quart of water. I exercised and drybrushed. I detoxed and tapped and meditated. That gave me the energy to clean the kitchen and bathrooms. I sat to check e-mail.
Chris came home for lunch with a Netflix DVD. He stirred the bean soup and got splatters all over his white shirt. I brought him a basin so he could soak it in soapy water. Then I put on an audio and went into my sewing room to work on the quilt. I quilted the first block by sight and overshot the corners. So I decided to pin the locations of the corners on the subsequent blocks and that worked much better.
Chris went back to work. After two blocks, I called Myra to see if she wanted to walk to the bank with me, but she was at a yoga studio with Anna. She said she'd call when she got back. I quilted two more blocks. I hadn't heard from Myra and I needed a break. So I called Dynee and she was ready to go. So I put on socks and shoes and my coat. As I came out, she was coming out.
Then we walked together to the bank. I had to try the machine several times, but I was able to get it to give me large denominations instead of small ones.
I thought we were going back, but she spied the rail car going up the side of Jinhae tower mountain. She wanted to check it out so we walked over there. Then she wanted to climb the 365 steps to the top. So we did, stopping to rest and stretch several times. We walked around the top twice and started down the other side.
We found ourselves on Owl Road. There was all kinds of artwork featuring owls. We felt a rain drop. We headed back but passed the soap making shop. She took me inside and showed me the essential oils. I asked the lady for citronella. She had it in a big bottle, so I asked for a small one. She decanted it and labeled it. For 5,000 won, it was a good deal. Then we walked back, through the security check at the front gate, and home. It was starting to rain. I thanked her for coming along, thinking I would be sore in the morning.
Suzanne had left me a message saying they were going on an easy hike in the morning and then to the Korean bathhouse, which had a variety of heated pools and everyone was naked. Since Dynee wasn't going, I would have to catch the bus to meet Suzanne and I did not know the early morning bus schedule. I didn't really fancy spending hours naked in the hot tubs, so I declined. I finished quilting the blocks.
Chris came home from work as I started on the border. I told him about my day and he said his was fine. I finished the border and looked at choices for binding. I couldn't decide so I brought the quilt to the cutting room which has better light. The bean soup was ready and I hadn't eaten all day, so I put some in a bowl and ate it in front of my old laptop. I watched several tapping videos. Then I went into a dark room to tap more specifically. After awhile Chris came back to brush his teeth. He said he was ready to watch TV. So we watched two episodes of The Librarians. They were very good, but so action packed that I had a bit of trouble following. I also found the dialogue difficult to make out. Chris had no trouble, though. About 10, he put the bean soup in the fridge and went to bed. I stayed up to write to my blog and choose a photo.
* Wherever I go, owl take a picture. *

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