Thursday, March 16, 2017

Puppies and paw prints

I must have gotten up early again this morning because I remember hearing my phone alarm go off. I drank my quart of water and continued work on the quilt. I matched some green fabric to it and cut strips for borders. I sewed them on. Then I chose some green flannel for the back. I sandwiched it with the same soft fusible interfacing as the Dr. Seuss quilt. I pinned the layers together and pressed the whole thing. Then I started quilting it in rows. I stopped when I heard the doorbell. It was Suzanne. She apologized for getting me out of bed. But I told her I was so excited to quilt that I did not bother getting dressed. She brought me lunch because she thought I didn't have time for it. I thanked her and showed her the puppy quilt in progress. I was going to show her the Dr. Seuss quilt but I lost it. She asked me to spray the back of her neck with magnesium oil. I warned her that it would sting, but she was ok with it. Then she went next door for Bible study. I continued to quilt. When the quilting was done, I trimmed the backing to ¾ inch and turned it over to be the binding. While I was sewing that down, Myra called. She was back from her appointment and was ready to walk. I told her I would call her when I finished. She had a binding to finish also. After I finished and got dressed, I called her back. I walked down to her parking lot with an apple. We got sidetracked talking to Carolyn who was at the park with her little girl. Then we walked out to the bank to get cash. The ATM was not fully cooperative. I could not get 50,000 won notes. But the lobby was empty so I took the cash in there and the teller changed it to larger bills. Then we walked to the fabric store we saw yesterday. There wasn't much left in the outdoor display so I asked about inside. The lady let us in. She had more fabric inside, but not in one yard packages like outside. We could see rows of little kids items she had sewn for sale. Myra bought 6 yards. Then we went to Office Depot for felt. Afterward we walked back to the base. I went home to have a bite to eat which included the pork chop Suzanne had given me. I started a loaf of bread for Chris. Then I took a shower and got dressed. I looked at my fabrics to see what would look good in the next quilt. But time ran out. So I grabbed a container of Epsom salts and headed to the massage place. When I had paid and handed over the Epsom salts, I changed into shorts. Then I sat down and he placed a bucket of hot water at my feet. I soaked and relaxed while he put on some music. I thought about how grateful I was in that moment. Then he pulled up an ottoman and dried my feet. He started the massage and I closed my eyes again. Presently I heard the door jangle. It happened a number of times. He had so many walk-in that he had to turn people away (or tell them to come back later). The lady at the shop took one customer and another sat soaking her feet. I was glad I did not order the back massage as well. When it was over, I thanked them and left. I walked to the traditional market to the sock seller. So many of my black socks have holes, or won't stay up, or are too thick. I rummaged around and found options that might be good. I bought one pair of each. Then I headed home, but stopped at the GS 25 supermarket. Carolyn was looking for cilantro. I looked through the herb section and found some packages that might have been it. I used the translation app on my phone to decode the words on the front, but I realized I could not see vowels on the Korean keypad. Then I tried tying in 'cilantro' and converting that to Korean, but it just translated it phonetically. I gave up. I walked home, getting there just before 5. I pulled out all the fresh vegetables to juice them. I found a kiwi that was soft, so I ate it. I washed all the leaf lettuce and various sprouts and carrots, cucumber and celery. I juiced as much as I could, running the pulp through a second time. Some of the celery was too much so I put it back. I put the bone broth on the stove to heat up. I did not have time to clean up before I had to run to the FRG meeting at the chapel. But I did grab the packet of pea seeds that I promised Carolyn. When I got to the chapel, six people were already there for the meeting. And more came in later. We discussed the projected events for March and April, including the baby shower, marine grill out, and a yard sale for Open Base day. Then we were dismissed and Dynee took me home. Chris was already there. I turned up the heat on the bone broth which was only warm. I cleaned up the juicer and threw the pulp outside. I had meant to cook it in the bone broth but forgot. I drank some of the broth and left the rest to cool. I typed up my day so far.
I read e-mail for the first time today, deleting most of it. Then Chris sat with me and we watched two episodes of Merlin. He went to bed. I finished the bone broth, and took magnesium and melatonin. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed

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