Friday, November 30, 2018

My 44th birthday

I heard Chris get up. I turned over to go back to sleep. Later, I laid on my back again and pulled the infrared heating pad over me and turned it on. I started to sweat, which was the idea.
Later I turned it off and got up. Even though my phone was not where I could hear it, I was up by 7:45. I brushed and swished and sewed. I had to juggle sewing machines to get the right one in place. I did not need to turn on the router because it had been on all night. There was a birthday card from Chris lying on my laptop. He had written in it how much he appreciates me in his life. Sniff.
I drank some vinegar water and composed my blog post for yesterday. Then I jotted a few notes for today and listened to a short video. It did not play exactly right, so I rebooted my laptop. Then I watched episode 3 of Interconnected.
Preservatives in foods are really antibiotics. They kill bacteria so the food won't spoil. When you eat the food, the preservatives kill one or more species of bacteria in your gut. We need to use antibiotics more responsibly, considering the collateral damage. States with higher use of antibiotics, have higher rates of cancer. Hygiene Hypothesis: we keep our surroundings too clean. Our immune system doesn't get the workout it needs to be strong. Less exposure to germs can leave you more exposed to allergies or infections.

I rinsed my radish mix of seeds. They are almost ready to eat. I listened to more audios. I ate a fat bomb, and some steak. I finished the binding on Jane's quilt, but saw places in the sashing that needed repairing. I made and ate breakfast. I searched for fat quarters for the exchange on Sunday. I worked on a letter to my foster child. I opened a pkg from yesterday, and read the paperwork. It was the hormone replacement meds from the compounding pharmacy. I ate a pomegranate. Then Dad called. He had questions about Milk of Magnesia.
A little after 2:30 I put on my coat and drove to the place where I get massages. I wasn't worried about being on time because she never is. But today she was, and I wondered if someone had canceled on her. We talked, both before, during, and after the massage. It was exactly what I needed.
I went home, and it was still raining. I got the mail before I went in the house. Two pieces were for our next door neighbor, so I ran over to deliver them. She and I talked for a bit and it was nice.
Then I went back to our place to put on nicer clothes. I gave Chris the ring I bought last week so he could give it to me at dinner. Chris took me to Meza Luna. It was a very nice upscale restaurant. And I did not see anyone on the cell phone. It took a while to order because most choices had pasta or bread, or fried food. But when the server described the sword fish, I chose that. Chris got a pizza. I took some enzymes and waited for the food to arrive. Chris told me how lucky he was that I agreed to share his life, and he put the ring on my finger.
When the food arrived, my swordfish was very small and his pizza seemed large. I told myself I could eat again when I got home. It was very tasty and I ate every bite. I also had a small nibble of his pizza. Then he paid the bill and we left, in the rain.
At my request, we went to the neighborhood WalMart store for flax seed. They have it in large containers and I got two. I also wanted gloves, but did not see any, just socks. I did notice a large gift bag, so I got that for the blankets I am supposed to embroider.
When we got home, Chris went back to his laptop. I decided to sew something for a swap. I decided on a teacup. I cut little wedge shapes and sewed them together. I opened the little gooseneck light package, but I could not open the battery compartment. Chris opened it with a pair of pliers. Then I tested three batteries and put them in. The light did not work. However, Chris saw some tiny diagram that I missed and reversed the battery in the middle. Voila – there was light! I layered the unit, with backing and batting and sewed around, then turned it inside out. I sat at my computer to round out the scallops and pin them for topstitching.
Soon it was 8. I made tea and brushed my teeth. We watched part of The Ghost and Mr. Chicken. Netflix sent it, but we are not sure why. It was a Don Knotts movie. When we got bored with it, we turned to DS9 and watched two episodes. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog, and take the new medication.
* I decided that 50 was the top of the hill. When I reached 50, there wasn't enough momentum to carry me over the hill, so I am sliding back down the hill. Therefore, I get younger every year now. *

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