Sunday, September 20, 2020

The gophers may be moving

Since the artillery started practice at midnight, Chris gave me a pair of earplugs. And I think I slept pretty well after that. They didn't stop the hot flashes though. So I woke early, then tried to go back to sleep. We stayed in bed late, until I couldn't stand it anymore and got up.
I watched our church in Huntsville on my laptop. Everyone did a good job. I could not see which man was singing, but later I saw his name in the bulletin pdf. Afterward, I took shower and got dressed. I read e-mail and looked into ordering picture glass until breakfast, then made and ate my concoction of superfoods.
Afterward, I went outside to deal with a gopher mound. I stuffed my banana peel in it. But then another mound appeared. I got Chris' coffee grounds for that one. But then a third one showed up. I rooted through the trash and found some egg shells. The next one got a corn cob. I think I treated five in all. Each one was further from the house. So my guess is they want to know how far away they have to go to build the next burrow.
I put on my bathing suit and read in the sun. It wasn't particularly hot today, so not as satisfying. After half an hour, I got dressed and picked small rocks out of the lawn. I found a few more gopher trails underneath. They could be old ones.
When I came in, I washed the dirt from my hands. I worked on 4 masks, listening to interviews from the gut summit. I finished two and almost finished the last two. But I was hungry so I stopped for supper.
I ate leftovers for supper, finishing off the squash casserole, and a packet of tuna. I played Solitaire and listened to an interview where Dr. Andrew Kaufmann proves that Covid has never fulfilled Koch's postulates (for determining if a given microbe is the cause of a given disease). I laid against the heating pad because it felt so good and it was getting cooler outside.
When I heard the sprinklers come on, I notified Chris and made my magnesium drink. We watched the second half of My Fair Lady. Then we decided to watch West Side Story tomorrow. As he loaded it in the player for later, he realized we already had picked Mannequin 2. Oh well. There are plenty of nights to fill. I ate the rest of the gelatin and wrote myself a note to make more tomorrow. Then I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.
* two stained glass masks *

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