Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Dodging the bullet

I got up just before 7:30. But my back kept threatening to spasm. I put it down to mowing yesterday. I called Chris and asked him to come back to the house. I sat in the recliner and realized it was a pretty good place to be parked. I could reach my laptop and a few shelves of books (mostly about warfare). When Chris got home, I asked him to get my heating pad and the chillow, then he made me some ginger/turmeric tea. He put beside me some sci-fi books, and he got my walker from the garage. I thanked him for all he did and he went back to work, leaving the door unlocked in case I had to call 911.
I used the heating pad first and then the chillow and then back to the heating pad. I was able to get on my laptop and read e-mail. Chris came back after his 10 am meeting to check on me. By that time I had left the walker in the bathroom because it was too hard to get around the boxes, and I didn't need it for walking, just for getting up and down.
He pulled out the bread machine and went back to work. I filled it with the usual recipe and set the cycle. I looked up Biden to see what he was like. Most video clips of him are very short. I saw an Australian piece that showed clips of him saying odd things, and calling people names. But another video showed him speaking well and not missing a beat. When Chris came home for lunch, I asked him and he said he hasn't liked Biden since the 80's. Not caring for Trump, I looked up Jo Jorgensen, the libertarian candidate. I read paragraphs from her website and watched a few short videos. I looked up her bio on Wikipedia. I just couldn't get a good idea of who she really is. But her political views are a little different from mine. Still, if she is a moral person, that beats Biden and Trump.
After Chris went back to work, I was feeling better and decided to have meditation and coffee afternoon. I skipped the balance exercises but did the others, plus drybrushing. I put on my bathing suit and laid out for half an hour or so. Then I turned up the stereo so I could hear it anywhere in the house. I tapped while meditating, but mostly ruminated. Afterward, I took a shower and got dressed. I cleaned the bathroom sinks and the kitchen sink. I washed the dirty dishes. And then mopped the floor.
I finally got a chance to sit down and Chris came home from work. I asked him if we could legally charge the DNC and RNC with choosing such bad candidates. He said our only recourse is not to vote for them. I looked up Sheryl Attkisson. She has her own platform now that she left CBS so she can report the stories she thinks are important. She wrote a book called “Slanted - how the news media taught us to love censorship and hate journalism”.
Since I was so productive last Thursday after not eating on Wednesday, I skipped eating again today. I went for a quick walk around the block. I saw sprinklers running, but ours are still not working. I looked behind some of the houses marked for demo, and one has irises or gladiolas growing by the back door. When I got home again, I made a magnesium drink and a vit. C drink. I sipped both while we watched two episodes of The Umbrella Academy. It gets pretty violent, but I close my eyes so I don't have those images in my mind.
After the show, I sat down to write my blog. I saw Chris had sent me a link to an article about how the actions of the democratic party could lead to the re-election of Trump. Then I finished my blog and got ready for bed.
* I didn't take any pics today, so here is a really old one that I found in a box. *

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