Friday, September 11, 2020

The versatile fruit

Since we went to bed so late last night, we slept in. I got up at 8:30. Chris had the router turned on already. I checked e-mail until my supplement routine was finished. I made and ate breakfast. Chris went by the office for a bit, so I went outside to deal with the reappearing gopher mound. I made a hole into the tunnel with a long knitting needle. Then I squeezed lemon juice into the hole. I was amazed to see it bubble back up to the surface. I dispersed the soil of the mound, wondering where it was all coming from. Is there going to be a big sink hole nearby? I found two holes about a foot apart with no mounds. I put the hose in and turned the water on. I left it run for some time, but they never filled up.
We went to the commissary with the grocery list. We got a few things, went to the gas station and then took them home. Then we went to Tooele to Luckey's. We got a few things there, and ran into Johnnie and Brian. I chatted with her and Chris chatted with him. Then we went next door to Melanie's Nutrition. I got coconut water and coconut milk there, plus a beet drink. Then we went to Macey's, where we got sprouts and sliced jackfruit (which is the fruit that tastes a bit like pineapple).
Finally we made the trip home, getting caught behind a convoy. We unloaded the groceries and Chris started gaming online with his buddy. I drove to Self-help and got a bag of salt for the softener.
I added dirt to the irises and holes in the ground by the curb. I ate jackfruit and looked up how to use it in recipes. It took a lot of searching to find out that the fibrous part is called 'rags' and they can be fried like french fries. Also, the seeds can be baked or boiled, and the rind can be sliced and fried. So I cut up the slices and separated the rags from the arils from the rind. I planted two of the seeds.
I read e-mail, and watched the rest of “Need to Grow”. It was fascinating what they could do with seaweed and biochar. It went until 10, at which point Chris was done with his gaming, but it was too late to watch TV. I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.
* According to the internet, you can make a pulled pork sandwich from the arils of jackfruit. *

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