Sunday, September 20, 2020

It was like Christmas

I had trouble sleeping last night because of the little booms in the distance. Chris slept through it of course. In the morning the booms continued. I asked and he said it was artillery practicing both day and night, and they'll be here for two weeks. Sigh.
Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. After a while we got up to start the day. I looked outside for gopher mounds, but there weren't any. There was evidence of rain, so I don't know it that made a difference. It didn't seem to bother the artillery. While Chris played his game, I tried screaming in the closet to see how muffled it was. He said he could hear it but it was soft.
I read the technical and study specs on Aries Tech (reduces EMF effects on biological organisms), decided to order one, then noticed they are on sale tomorrow. I checked e-mail and saw three packages have come in. I got dressed to go to the post office. Then Chris asked if that sound was rain and I said I don't know yet what rain sounds like in the desert. But yes, it was rain. I went outside to see if people were dancing in the streets, but no.
At 11:30, I made and ate breakfast. Chris sliced up more of the zucchini and put it in the oven to crisp. I was planning to make seed crackers, and he told me to just add them to the oven (which was at 250). So I whipped up a batch and threw them in, and did not set the timer.
Chris went to the commissary and the post office. I screamed in the closet again. (It relieves stress) Then I went outside to pick up the pie plate that blew into the yard. I saw that a gopher had dug a mound since this morning. I sifted out the little rocks and put the dirt in the pie plate. When I tested for the hole with a knitting needle, I found a big one. I took a scoop of dirt out and it seemed to be a main tunnel. I got some coffee grounds and a banana peel to put down there. I watered it in but did not fill it with dirt. I also threw in the seeds from the zucchini.
Chris came back with 4 packages for me. It was like Christmas because I forgot what I ordered, and it had to be something I wanted or I wouldn't have ordered it. I used a pair of kitchen scissors to open them. The scissors were dull so I sharpened them on a needle. That worked like a charm.
I worked on some face masks that were already cut out - the last of the ones that were cut. But then I heard the skype sound from my laptop. It was Kurt and Faye, having a skype birthday party for Kurt. Dad joined us, too. They all seemed to be doing well. We talked politics, geodes, and birds.
After the call, I pulled the seed crackers from the oven. I made a salad for supper. Chris took the zucchini out. It was oily this time, but he liked it that way. It was good. Then Chris and I took a walk around the neighborhood. I had to put on pants because the temperature was dropping.
When we got back, Chris and I started watching an episode of “24”, but it got pretty violent. So he tried some of the other loose DVD's, but they wouldn't play. Then he chose a VHS copy of My Fair Lady. We watched half of the musical. Afterward, we put clean sheets on the bed. Then, I ate some gelatin and typed up my blog, ready for bed.
* zucchini chips *

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