Friday, September 25, 2020

Fall Festival

I stayed in bed until 8. I had slept well with the Chi Shield, but had awakened early when Chris' alarm went off. I could have used more sleep, but I got up to start the day in the usual ways. I checked e-mail and came across products that were tempting, but I had to check them out first. That took most of the morning. I saw next door that a small backhoe came and dug a big hole in the front yard, and then filled it back in. I assumed they took out the water connection since that house will be demolished.
At 11 I made and ate breakfast. Then I went outside to deal with the newest gopher mounds. I found more banana peels amongst the dirt. At 2 I put on my bathing suit and sweated in the sun while reading. Then I washed off and got dressed again. I did some emotional releasing, then checked e-mail again.
At 4, I relaxed into the lounger and put on my headphones. I listened to holosync and hoped to catch a quick nap. But the phone beeped. I checked and found a message from Chris, saying he wanted to introduce me to the colonel's wife. So I finished listening to the first part of the track, then paused it. I called Chris to find out where he was, but he did not pick up. I walked to the post office and dropped an envelop into the box. Then I continued on to the main parking lot where I thought the event was taking place. But no one was there, only a few cars. I decided to walk down to the commissary and past Chris's office. Then I heard music so I went in a new direction. I found myself at a building I had never gone past before. I saw kids climbing a rock wall. As I walked around to the back, I saw a band playing on a dais - mostly guitar, keyboard and drummer, singer, and one trumpet player. They were playing tunes from my era. I wandered back to see people gathered in groups and eating and talking.
I saw Chris sitting at a set of tables. I went over to say hello. He offered me a bite of what he was eating. It was good. Then I realized he was marking a sheet of paper as a judge. There were other judges too, one at each table. One at a time, contestants came by with a sample of what they cooked (or grilled or smoked). Each judge got a sample and a piece of paper on which they wrote the contestant's name and their own name. (Say what?) There were 5 or six categories for judging and a total at the bottom. I helped Chris eat his samples because they added up to a lot of food.
When the judging was over, I had a nice chat with the colonel's wife. Then she introduced me to the chaplain's wife, which I suddenly remembered meeting. Chris brought another lady over to meet me, who wanted to learn more about sewing. I really enjoying having new people to talk to, and to get the word out. One of the ladies agrees with me that this Covid stuff is overblown. Maybe more people do too, since over half of the people were not wearing masks. The band played a slow tune for one couple's anniversary. The couple danced and Chris pulled me away from talking to dance with him. Another couple came and danced too. But most people did not.
It got dark and MWR was going to play an outdoor movie. Chris and I walked back to his office, where he was parked. Actually, I ran part of the way because I needed to use the restroom. Also Chris had to pick up something from his desk, then we got in his car and stopped at the post office on the way home. In our box was an envelop I had mailed yesterday with a note that I owed another 50 cents. So when we got home, I weighed it on my kitchen scale and it was exactly an oz. So why does it need more than one stamp?
I ate some fruit and a tomato. I looked for something to watch on Netflix. But Chris just wanted to watch a movie, so he picked Flashdance and we watched that. Afterward, I had some gelatin and brushed my teeth. Then I wrote my blog post for the day and got ready for bed.
* The masks that got returned for insufficient postage were made from this material. *

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