Thursday, September 24, 2020

Endless mounds

I slept with the Chi Shield next to me in bed. And I slept pretty well. I got up around 7:30 when the alarm went off. I did my special exercises, and drybrushed. I made coffee, and did a lot of tapping. I mopped the bathroom floor, and parts of the tile floor in the common area.
I went outside to clean up 4 or 5 gopher mounds. I picked the rocks out of the dirt, then spread the dirt. There were banana peels in the dirt, but I did not see cotton balls. I also watered the plants and the grass in certain areas.
I walked to the post office to mail an envelop. Then I walked to Self-help to see if he knew how deep the sprinklers were buried. He said they must be deeper than 6 inches because the rototillers dug that far and no one ever hit a sprinkler line that way. Heading back, Chris and Aaron pulled up in a car. So I asked them how deep the sprinklers were, and they didn't know either but thought it was a good question. After they drove off, I walked home, noting that there were vehicles parked at the vacant houses.
I read e-mail for while. Then I laid on the recliner and listened to an hour of Holosync. I was hoping it would put me to sleep like it did yesterday but it didn't. I emoted in the closet, releasing tension. Then I finished sewing two masks using black thread.
Chris came home from work and started watching Michele game on Youtube. I scrubbed the kitchen sink. I decided to go for a walk, but when I got outside, there were more gopher mounds. I could not resist. I used a rake to disperse them and raise the flattened grass. But I still had to do some of that by hand. I also dug pebbles out of a patch of ground near the driveway. For some reason the neighbors dog did not come out and bark at me. But there was a crow that sounded like it had the hiccups.
I went inside when it got dark. I ate some gelatin.
When Chris was ready, we watched Top Gun. He paused it several times to explain what was going on. I never did quite get the combat scenes. Then I ate some more gelatin, brushed my teeth and sat down to write my blog post.

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