Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Jello and sleep?

I got up soon after my alarm rang at 7:30. I made a protein drink and an H2 drink. I brushed and swished. I did my Wednesday exercises. (I did not turn on the router, which made everything go faster.) I made coffee. I did over an hour of tapping and meditation. Then I cleaned the master bathroom. I went outside to treat a new gopher mound. It seemed to be connected to a main tunnel, so I put the coffee grounds in there and a banana peel. I watered it in well. I also watered the plants in front of the house and some patches of grass.
I washed dishes in the kitchen sink and wiped the stove. I cleaned the counters. I vacuumed in the den, but the Hoover wasn't picking up much. I turned it over and discovered that the beater bar wasn't turning. I pulled all the lint and threads from it, then took the lower plate off. The belt was broken!
I was cleaning out the area when Chris came home. He could only stay a few minutes today. He suggested that I order a belt from the manufacturor's website. He offered to get out the Kirby for me, but it was close enough for me to get it from the garage. I made sure the belt was good, then vacuumed the den. It didn't pick up everything either. Sigh.
I made unflavored jello using coconut water and put it in the fridge to firm up. I made dandelion tea, but forgot to drink it. I put on my bathing suit and laid outside and read. After about 45 minutes, I came in and took a shower. I listened to Ben Greenfield interview Joel Green about a book he wrote. I deleted spam messages, and read articles about gelatin improving sleep. Why have I not heard of this before? I unpacked some small boxes of desk supplies hoping the bobbins might be there (since they aren't anywhere else). I could just scream. One empty bobbin showed up and I wound black thread on it. I started 4 pre-cut masks using black thread.
The sun was getting low, so I went for a walk. I investigated a pile of mulch in the desert. I picked up two rocks nearby. On my way home, I saw Melissa at the park so I stopped to talk to her. When I came in, I ate some gelatin and read e-mail until Chris was ready to watch TV. I made a magnesium drink. We watched two episodes of Away, finishing season 1 and discovered that there is no second season! Arrgh! Then I wrote up my blog post and got ready for bed.

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