Sunday, September 27, 2020

Wild horses couldn't keep us away

We slept in. I got up at 9 to start the first supplements. Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. Then I took a shower and got dressed. As I was putting on long pants, the hiking kind, my back siezed. I laid on the bed for a bit, thinking how awful it would be to ride in an ambulance through 80+ twists and turns on the road to Tooele. But then Chris helped me arrange things on the floor so I could lower my feet gradually and soon I was upright again. But I had to be careful about walking and sitting and well, almost every move.
I could not find the Huntsville church service on line, so I watched the WRCotB church service. The pastor talked about how important it was to meet in person (and they will be meeting in person starting next week). I checked e-mail, then called Dad. But he and Faye had just left for grocery shopping so I talked to Patrick instead. He is looking forward to going back to work, someday.
I read more e-mail and articles. I made more spice mix. I told Chris I wanted to go see the trail, even if I couldn't walk it. Chris called the police station and told them we were going to the trail (because that is the protocol). I ate a banana and last piece of fish, then we got in the car and headed to the trail. Chris had an aerial map of the place. We found the parking lot and consulted the map. I figured this kind of thing would be right up my dad's alley. I decided I could walk at least part of it, being desert and flat. So we found the first part of the trail (nothing was marked in any way), and started walking. It seemed like a bad trail to run on because the chance of stepping in a gopher hole was high. Or stepping in equine dung. Neither were good. When the trail left the desert floor and went winding up the mountain, I followed cautiously. Chris had to lend me a hand at the steepest parts, but I made it. I stopped to take pics of lizards and unknown plants, and hoof prints. The scenery was nice, but I was too worried to take my eyes off the trail for long. Also it was sunny but windy. Finally, as we completed the three mile hike, a horse ran by. I pulled out my camera and tried to activate it, but for some reason it was unresponsive. Chris tried it too, then told me to get his camera from his back pack. I made one more swipe and ta-da! I took some pics of the horse, then said where there's one horse, there are others. And sure enough, up on the hill was the herd. Most of them crossed the road when they saw us coming. In fact, they blocked traffic and we heard the car toot it's horn. We got in the car and took more pics as we were driving away. Chris called the police station to tell them that we were leaving the course.
When we got home, I made my breakfast even though it was 3pm. Chris made custard using our last two eggs, coconut milk, and some nuts and berries. I cropped all the pics from this afternoon, read e-mail, then called Faye. She brought Dad back from his walk, and was trying to make my old laptop connect to his printer. She rebooted everything, but as of when we hung up, it still wasn't connecting.
I went outside to deal with the one gopher hole that reappeared in the front yard. I stopped, motionless, when I realized the gopher was back it in and throwing out new dirt. I wished I had my camera. But soon he dropped inside the hole and did not come out again. I scooped up the dirt and sifted out the stones. I put a piece of gum in the open tunnel and some coffee grounds, then filled it in with dirt. I decided to do some older gopher mounds on the other side of the house. Being careful, I was able to get up and down as necessary.
For supper, I had a peach and some of the custard that Chris made, some gelatin, and some kimchi. I ate frozen watermelon while listening to a debate. I found Chris making the bed with clean sheets, and I found the pendent that looks like a dog tag. It was under the lining of the waterbed and I saw it while he had the mattress corner lifted up. Then I made my magnesium drink and we watched 4 episodes of The Good Place. Afterward, I brushed my teeth and sat down to write my blog. I warned Chris that he might have to stay home and take care of me tomorrow if my back got worse during the night.
* One member of a herd of wild Mustangs *

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