Saturday, September 26, 2020

Finally! Ammonia!

We stayed in bed late. I am not sure why. Then we spent some time together before we got up. So by the time I was up and ready to go, it was after 10. Chris put a roast in the oven. I checked e-mail, then went outside to deal with gopher mounds. Several of them had little pieces of blue styrofoam in the mounds. That puzzled me because although my garden kneeling pad is made of blue styrofoam, I have never put pieces of it in a gopher hole. So, is there something else blue, that is underground?
It was after noon when I made breakfast. Chris went to the commissary while I was eating. When he got back, I was ready to go. However, at the last second we both decided to go to the restroom one last time. And, as luck would have it, the doorbell rang. Chris got there first. It was UPS delivering a package for me. Chris opened it and I put the card in my neck pouch.
Then we went to the post office. I picked up a Swansons package and presented the envelop with the sticker about insufficient postage. The clerk said it wouldn't fit through a certain size slot so it was considered a large envelop. (So next time I just iron the masks flatter). I paid the extra postage and mailed it again.
Then we went to Tooele. We almost went to Lehi instead, but when the sign said it was 45 miles away, we turned around and headed back to Tooele. Our first stop was Walgreens, to look for ammonia, but no. Then we went to Luckey's. They didn't have it either, but we got the usual groceries. Then we looked at the farm stand, but it was empty. I went into Melanie's Nutrition, and got coconut milk. But they did not have the sunflower seeds I was looking for. And the hemp seeds were expensive. After that we went to Macey's. We got the rest of our groceries there, but no ammonia. So, I walked to the nearby dollar store (which had hydrogen peroxide when all the other stores were out) and found ammonia. I also got some Juicy Fruit gum, which is what some people recommend for gophers.
When we got home, the roast was done. I had a large helping because I was trying a stomach acids test that says to eat only steak, then see how you feel three hours later. I started reading e-mail, but then Chris remembered that we needed to go to the gym. So we hopped in the car, and drove over. He had to fill out some forms for using the trail. When we got home, he spied new gopher mounds. So I got out my bucket and trowel. I sifted through the dirt to pick out the stones. I dug up the tunnels and filled them with the dirt. I did not bury anything this time. I walked over to an abandoned house and picked up two nice-sized flattish rocks and brought them home.
When I came in, I decided a steak-only meal was just not satisfying. I needed other food, like kimchi and seed crackers and guacamole. I watched Del Bigtree's show from yesterday. He had even more incriminating evidence against Covid vaccines and flu vaccines. I didn't know that if a flu-vaccinated person and an unvaccinated person both got the flu, the vaccinated one will shed much more than the unvaccinated one. And that a quarter of all vaccine injury claims are for the flu vaccine.
After watching that, I turned to Netflix (Chris was gaming with Michele and several others online) and watched a documentary called “/the social delimma”. Any one who uses social media should watch this and see the manipulation that goes on. When it was over, I turned to writing up my blog post. Chris was done gaming, but it was too late to watch TV together.
* A gift for the gophers *

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