Friday, September 11, 2020

Spider Central

Since I didn't eat yesterday, I dreamed of food during the night. I slept pretty well and woke with the sprinklers, followed by Reveille. Sometime after Chris left for work, I got up to start the day.
I turned on the router and fired up my laptop. I went to Youtube for something and ended up watching a documentary on a family in Russia whose children walk on their hands and feet. After that I watched an interview from the gut summit.
The gopher mound was back. I wanted more hair to put in it since I was getting such a reaction from the rodents. I stood at the bathroom mirror looking for a spot to cut a lock of hair, but there wasn't one. Then I thought of Chris coming home for lunch, but his hair is so short already. Then I called Michele. She was not willing to give me a lock of her hair, but said I cold have what was in her brush. Perfect.
While I watched a talk by Dr. Ionnidis on vaccine makers and safety issues, I washed the Berkey. I discovered green slime on the filters. So I scrubbed the filters and all parts of the Berkey, plus all the water containers that the water has touched. Then I made breakfast. Chris came home for lunch. I put on headphones and listened to parts of Del Bigtree's broadcast. At 1:30 I put on my bathing suit and went outside to read. I heard something like a motor running and realized I was being visited by a hummingbird. Sorry, I didn't have my camera with me. Afterward, I went to clean up the gopher mound and saw a tarantula hiding by the wall of the house. I ran inside to get my camera. I hoped it wouldn't disappear. It started coming toward me so I got a good picture. I moved to the mound and it headed in my direction so I made a quick job of dispersing the dirt and I went inside the house.
I watched more videos from the gut summit and took notes. I called the lady who does massages and she texted back that she is moving to the big island so no more massages. Then I put containers and a shovel in my car and drove to the house where we got the irises. I filled the containers with good dirt. I could still see the vermiculite in it. (We saw a black widow there the day we dug up the flowers). I came home, unloaded the car, and saw what looked like a brown recluse in the driveway. Is this spider central?
My back was not feeling so good after shoveling, so I sat down and read articles for awhile. Then I started having supper. Chris came home from work. We had a chat and I told him about the tarantula. I filled in some holes in the yard. Then I put on a light jacket and went for a walk. I came back with some rounded rocks. I listened to some videos by David Icke on freedom of speech and the control of the 1% over the rest of us.
I paused the video to watch the last two episodes of The 4400. Then I finished the video and posted to my blog.
* an old friend of Kurt's *

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