Friday, September 18, 2020

The masks are in the mail

Apparently I didn't have enough gelatin because I woke up several times during the night. I did not get up immediately when my alarm went off. I checked for gopher mounds and saw one. I played piano and sang loudly. I looked up the actors in Away to see if I knew them from anywhere else. I looked up how to spot geodes, and I ordered a belt for the Dirt Devil.
I made and ate breakfast. I went outside with a bucket and coffee grounds. Chris came home for lunch while I was treating the gopher hole. I found a second hole after I had used all the coffee grounds on the first one. But there was some hair on the back porch and I used that. I watered the plants up front.
I listened to The Highwire. He interviewed two doctors that wrote a book called “Corona, False Alarm?” The one doctor said more people die per day of other coronaviruses than of the one the world is so worried about. Del also talked about Li-meng Yan, the Chinese scientist who fled to America. She says the virus was engineered in the Wuhan lab.
I laid out in the sun in my bathing suit. The dogs next door barked at me. It's annoying but what can be done? I washed off and got dressed again. I checked e-mail, then listened to Burt Goldman's presentation on quantum jumping.
I had leftovers for supper. Chris came home from work. I sanitized 4 masks and put them in an addressed envelop. I put on my shoes and headed for the post office. Halfway there, I ran into Johnnie and Brian coming back from a walk. We had a nice chat, but I had to hold the envelop behind my back to keep it safe from drops of water flying off of nearby sprinklers. After our chat, I continued on to the post office and dropped the envelop in the box. Then I walked around in front of the post office and went by some buildings, one of which has mint growing in front of it. I harvested a few sprigs and walked home. When I got there, I put the sprigs in water. Then I examined the stones I have been collecting for signs of geodes. I hammered one with another rock but it did not break. Chris heard it and came out. He said it wasn't a geode.
I was about to call Myra when I thought of looking up something. I don't remember what it was, but then I found myself reading funny t-shirts on Pinterest. After a while, I broke away and called Myra and we had a nice chat. We're on the same page with this whole virus thing.
After our chat, I made my magnesium drink and chewed a few mint leaves. Chris and I watched two episodes of The Gamers from a DVD he had. Chris got more of the jokes than I did. Then I sat down to type up my blog and get ready for bed.
* These are the masks I finished yesterday. *

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