Monday, September 14, 2020


We got up about 8:30. I could hear the alarm ringing from the den. I took supplements and checked e-mail. I looked into air purifiers since someone was having a sale. At 10:15 we took a shower and got ready for church. I read e-mail until Chris was ready. Then we got in his car and he drove us to the chapel.
We put on our masks before going inside. I met the chaplain and his wife introduced herself. She and I talked about how much of a difference hydration can make to older people. Then I sat with Chris in the second pew. Seats were marked off so everyone was separated. A man with a guitar played three praise songs and invited us to sing with him. It was surprisingly hard to sing and breathe with a mask on! Chris sang the songs, too, which surprised me. Then the chaplain gave the sermon. I didn't follow it very well. After that we all sang a hymn, and then we were dismissed. I talked to the lady in the pew behind us. She is the art teacher at the school. Then Chris asked if I was ready to leave. So we left.
When we got home, we changed clothes. I made and ate breakfast, then listened to the sermon from the Huntsville church. I had no trouble following it. I put on my bathing suit and laid in the sun and read. The thermometer said it was 100. Afterward, I put my shorts and tank top back on. I opened a coconut and drank the water. I cleaned up the reappearing gopher mound, which was larger than usual. (I read that a gopher can move up to 1.5 tons of dirt in a year.) I arranged the scalloped fencing along the side of the house. I watered here and there. I picked small rocks out of the yard.
I went back in the house. I started watching a BBC presentation of “Hypernormalization”. I didn't follow it real well, but the gist seemed to be that our governments are spinning events to make things go their way. It's all about perception. I assembled supper from leftovers in the fridge and ate some jackfruit as well. I watched a video about choosing one in the store and how to open it.
I paused Hypernormalization. I went for a walk and ended up at the post office where I got the mail from Saturday. I also picked a sprig of an interesting plant growing in the parking lot. I had to stop several times to pick all the sharp seed pods from my left shoe. Apparently the sole is so thin that the spikes go through to my foot.
I took the mail home to Chris and walked to the back of a house scheduled for demo and got two river rocks to add to my flower bed. I raked the gopher dirt into the grass. Then I finished watching Hypernormalization. By then it was after 8. We watched two episodes of Away. I got dressed for bed and brushed my teeth, then posted to my blog.
* I got this pic of goat head thorns from the internet. *

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