Saturday, September 12, 2020

Second sewing day

We got up at 8:30. We each had our morning drinks, I packed up my sewing machine while he drank his coffee. Then he gave me a coconut oil massage. Afterward, I tried to file down the corn on my foot. Then I took a shower and got dressed. I checked e-mail while Chris talked to Michele about the game she joined last night.

I made and ate breakfast and watched some summit videos. Then I packed my sewing machine and mask pieces into the carrying case. Chris helped me put that and the box of sewing magazines in the car. I drove down to the pavilion and set up everything on tables. I plugged in the machine and started sewing. Then Johnnie arrived with her chair. I paused sewing and we chatted about the giant dahlia quilt and railroad ties and so forth. It was after 2 when Melissa came to see us. I sanitized her mask with the uv wand and did Johnnie's as well. She talked with us for awhile, then had to go. Johnnie and I continued to chat and then she left a little before 4. I stayed to finish the two masks I had started, but could only go so far because I didn't have the white elastic with me. The I packed up and went home.

When I got home, Chris helped me bring in the machine and magazines. I took the midafternoon supplements. I went over to Johnnie's house to see what they did with the railroad ties. I rang the doorbell, but no one answered. I walked around the side to see how they had buried it in the ground to make a low edging for their wildflowers. Then I headed home. But they were in the camper and noticed me and came out to say hi. They showed me their flowerbed, and then the gopher traps in tunnels. Then I got a block of instruction on how to turn on the sprinklers manually and adjust the heads. Pretty useful info.

Chris made a squash casserole and boiled the jackfruit seeds. Afterward, the seeds had the consistency of a boiled potato but with a nutty flavor. After supper, I called Dad and talked to him and to Faye. Chris and I walked across the street and acquired some scalloped edging from a house scheduled for demolition. I repotted the tomato and the poinsettia into larger pots.
After finishing The 4400, we started a new Netflix series called “Away” and watched the first two episodes. It is about a mission to Mars. It is pretty good so far. Then I typed up my blog and got ready for bed.
* boiled jackfruit seeds, mmmm *

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