Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Suddenly cold!

I got up a little after 7:30. I started the supplement routine. I turned on the router. I looked up synonyms and rhyming words to find a better title for an event referred to as Stich-n-Bitch. The best I could come up with was Sew-n-Show. I posted an announcement for Saturday afternoon. Hopefully it will be better attended this time.
I listened to an interview between Fauci and Haddish: he blew off the idea of strengthening the immune system by taking supplements or herbs. He still thinks the virus is of natural origin, from bat to cat to human (so how novel can it be?) He never really answered her question about what's in the vaccine.
I watched other interviews and read articles. I went outside to put the thermometer back up after it had gotten knocked know by the wind. The door shut behind me and I got locked out. Luckily there is a code box on the garage and I was able to get in that way.
I put vitamin C on a cottonball and stuck it above tooth 14. After another hour of reading e-mail, I started making breakfast. I ate while watching Day 2 of a gut summit. After that, I watched an interview about the current situation. The speaker said that the lockdowns will only get tighter and more restrictive, a little bit at a time, unless enough people refuse to comply.
When that was over, I played the piano for the first time since we moved here. I played from the sonata book, and then from Phantom of the Opera. I enjoyed singing the songs.
About 4:30, I cut out pieces for more than a dozen masks. Not having an ironing board set up, I used a wool mat with cardboard under it. Chris came home, saying it was very windy and cold. He put on jeans and a sweater. He told me to water the irises, so I put on long pants and went outside. I didn't stay out long however. Hard to believe that only yesterday I was laying out in my bathing suit.
I made a salad for supper. I listened to Mike Graham on the LondonReal show. It went long and finally I realized it was after 8:30. I made the magnesium drink, and we sat on the couch to watch two episodes of The 4400. Two more nights and we'll be looking for another series to watch.
* This pattern is called Amazing Possibilities by AmericanJane. Johnnie and I are going to do this separately but at the same time. I am planning to draft my own pattern from the giant dahlia. *

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