Monday, November 16, 2020

Cleaning up the mounds

I did not wear the mp3 headphones last night. I laid awake in the dark, waiting to fall asleep. I woke up to the sounds of Chris getting ready for work. I stayed in bed until after my alarm rang. I got up and started my day. I swished while reading a book by the HappyLight. I read e-mail, and finished listening to the interview with RFK, Jr. :

When Trump was first elected, RFK told Trump to unlock HMO records so independent scientists could examine the correlations between vaccinations and reports of side effects. But after Pfizer donated to the campaign, that fell through.

The Cochrane Collaboration looked at all the studies and said you have to give people 100 flu shots to prevent one case of the flu. And there is no evidence that it prevents hospitalizations or death. Those 100 people are 5x more likely to get a non-flu infection, and 6x more likely to transmit the flu. Kennedy said PFOA's are in medical masks made by 3M.

I made breakfast and ate it while listening to Day 2 of a sleep course. Chris came home for lunch a little later than usual. He handed me some mail. The weather was so nice that I went out to dig Gopher mounds. There were a lot of them. I filled some with rocks, as an experiment to see if it deters them at all. My fingernails, which were growing back, broke off again. Sigh.

When I came in, I listened to a 25 minute nap track. I set up the second ironing board and spread my round quilt top over it. It was face down so I could press the seams in the same diresction until it was flat in the middle. When I turned it over, I saw that the pressing had distorted the kite shapes. I tried to re-pin but it wasn't coming out well.

I heated bean soup in the oven, with a few extra things on top. As I ate, Chris came home from work. I drew a circle with a template and divided it into 18 slices. I wrapped the two ironing boards together with a wide strip of fabric. Then I spread the quilt over it and put the circle in the middle and pinned the kites in place according to the lines on the paper.

It still wasn't looking good. I took a break to watch crypto videos. I found a video for creating a paper wallet for Bitcoin, but not for Eth. Suddenly it was 8:30. I filled a tumbler with the last of the tea. I watched TV with Chris. This time we kept it down to two episodes. Then I took the last supplement and brushed my teeth. When my blog post was written, I got ready for bed.

* Still not flat *

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