Monday, November 30, 2020

Live on Facebook

I listened to the mp3 headphones this moring when I woke up too early. I had been having a nightmare where I was away from home, and a kid stole my phone. I nabbed him and got it back, but it disappeared anyway. It was night time and really cold. I had no place to go and I couldn't remember anyone's phone number.

We got up at 8:30. I stretched my calf and took the first round of supplements. I took a shower (5 rounds of hot and cold), then got dressed for church. I practiced the reading for today several times. I cut pieces for trimming the tree, glued them down and put books on top to hold them in place till the glue dried.

At 10:50 we went to the chapel. The chaplain showed me where to stand and how to operate the lighter. When the service started, he said a prayer, then called me up to read. He turned the camera toward me and I read aloud. Then I picked up the lighter and lit a candle and sat down. I was surprised how well it went. Then we sang 3 songs (with Youtube since the guitar guy was gone). The chaplain gave a sermon and we sang another song.

After the service, I sawa Jenni and thought to myself that there was something I wanted to ask her. So I asked her about what I could use to trim the tree. She suggested several things, including crepe paper. There was white crepe paper blocking off the seats to account for social distancing. I took a strip from the back row and replaced it with yellow.

Then we went home. I changed clothes and made breakfast. I watched a video on how the dollar is decreasing in value year by year so invest in gold, silver or bitcoin. I cut more small simple snowflakes. We talked to Michele to see how her back is doing. I called Cecelia and talked to her for some time. Then I called Dad and talked to him and to Faye.

Around 5, I put on my warmest coat and went for a walk. I covered a road I hadn't walked before, so I could check it off the list (which disappeared when I cleaned up the dining room). I put a bowl of vegetable soup and leftovers in the toaster oven. I read e-mail, and followed some tapping audios until supper was hot. Then I ate and read e-mail.

I listened to myself reading in church using the link on Facebook. That went fine, but when I watched myself straining on tippytoes to light the candle, I was amused. I listened to the sleep hypnosis track while I cleaned up paper bits, and made more trim pieces to glue on the edges.

It was almost 9 when I made my evening drink and sat with Chris to watch TV. He chose the first episode of Sherlock Holmes, which we had already seen, but he thought it would feel new again since it had been so long since we'd seen it. Interestingly, I remembered more of it than he did. But it was still entertaining. Afterward, I brushed my teeth, and listened to the sleep track again while writing my blog.

* This tree isn't quite right. Any suggestions? *

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