Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Printing photos

I used the mp3 headphones last night, but to no avail. I woke up this morning hearing Chris' alarm go off. And later I heard him take an extra-long shower. After he left for work, I got up to use the bathroom and went back to bed. But then my back started complaining. So I got up and sat in the recliner with a heating pad. I read a book by the glow of the HappyLight.

Later I checked e-mail. I looked up birthday wishes and composed a note to my Aunt Jean for her 85th birthday. I checked the pico Faye sent and saw that a photo was requested as well. A paper photo? Hmm. I made and ate breakfast. When Chris came home for lunch, I asked him about it. He said we could try printing a photo on our printer, try it on his printer at work, or take it to Walgreens to print there. I selected a photo from our recent trip to Zion National Park. I e-mailed it to myself, then went to the desktop to print it out.

I should have brought a book to read. Each step literally took minutes for the desktop to complete. First to load Firefox, then to sign into Yahoo, then open the e-mail and download the pics. Then to open the printer software. But in the end, even though I marked it 'grayscale', nothing printed out. The page was blank. So I e-mailed the pics to Chris' work account.

After Chris went back to the office, I listened to an interview about Fauci's conflicts of interest and major deals with drug companies, and worked on the quilt. Mid-afternoon, I took a break to walk around the neighborhood, but not a long walk because it was still cold with snow on the ground. I stopped by the post office parking lot to see if the dropped keys were still there. I did not see them so maybe the owner came back and picked them up.

When I got home, I went through a number of tapping audios, just to catch up. I didn't realize I had skipped so many. I did some sewing (lots of seams in this quilt). William called, so we chatted for awhile. Then I put soup, tuna, and half a sweet potato in the Korean bowl and stuck it in the toaster oven.

Chris came home from work. He brought me a print-out of the pics. (They were full-page.) He told me that tomorrow is a federal holiday so he will be home. I guess my face fell, so he said he would go to work and give me some time alone for meditation morning. He made his supper and ate it, then came back for some apple crisp. I put some of it in a Korean bowl and put blackberries and a square of chocolate on top. Then I heated it in the toaster oven, and mmmmm, mmmmmm.

I read some e-mail, then I started listening to an interview on cryptocurrency. I got some more sewing done. I paused it to go sit with Chris and we watched two episodes of Hart of Dixie. Still in season 2. Then I brushed my teeth and sat down to write my blog post.

* The mountains are beautiful, but there is always a building in the way. *

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