Sunday, November 15, 2020

Social interaction

We got up soon after my alarm went off. I started my morning with the usual activities. Then Chris offered me a coconut oil massage. So I followed him to the bedroom.

Afterward, I checked e-mail, then read a book while sitting in the sunshine that came in the window. I forgot to set the timer since the last supplement and I ended up reading until 11. Then I began the breakfast process.

I put together a Swansons order while I ate. I checked other e-mails as well. Chris took a shower and I put on a coat and left for the post office. While walking, I saw Brian had just arrived home so I walked over to say hello. I also talked to Johnnie. She showed me how her quilt was coming along. Brian and I discussed crypto and gold as investments.

Johnnie was ready to go for a walk, so we left together and went to the post office. I collected my mail. Then she headed for her walk and I went home. Chris and I had a discussion about buying gold and cryptocurrency. He wasn't in favor of it, and didn't see why it was necessary.

I put on an interview and made a nativity mask. I watched video interviews on crypto and gold. Robert Kyosaki is very good. I opened the mail and found a birthday card from Faye and Dad. Chris cooked asparagus for supper and put beans in a pot to soak overnight. After eating the asparagus and leftover fish, I ate a pomegranate. Then I made seed crackers for tomorrow, and read e-mail until they were done.

Chris and I watched the Netflix DVD that came today. It was called Fiesta, starring Esther Williams. Oddly, it had nothing to do with swimming. Afterward, I put away the laundry and we dressed the bed with clean sheets. I brushed my teeth and sat down to write my blog post.

* A reversible mask. *

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