Monday, November 23, 2020

Three, Four, shop at the store

I used both the Apollo and the mp3 headphones last night. But after nearly 2 hours, I took the headphones off and went to sleep on my own. I awoke hearing Chris' alarm. I might have gone back to sleep, but the shower screamed when he turned it on, so there was no sleeping through that.

I got up a little after 8. I took the first supplement and chugged H2. I puttered about for 30 minutes, then took the second supplement. I read a book for 45 minutes with the HappyLight. Then I read e-mail. There was an article about the cyber war against Anti-vaxxers, equating them with terrorists. Never mind that most anti-vaxxers are not against vaccines per se, they are critical of Big Pharma and their track record of misinformation, hiding side effects, mislabeling drugs, bribing officials, etc. But AI is being programmed to delete any content negative to vaccines and to take down any sites such content is posted on.

I swept up pieces of the shoes I wore and threw away yesterday. Our house trembled as the steam shovel across the street broke up the slab and loaded pieces of it onto a truck. I don't know where the truck takes the pieces, but it returns too quickly to be going to Tooele.

I cleared a few items from the dining room table. Then I found the leaflet from Mom's funeral and fell apart. Eventually I worked my way to breakfast, although it was nearly noon. Chris came home for lunch, bringing lots from the post office. He pulled the bread machine out. I answered Kurt's e-mails, and listened to the church service from Huntsville. I filled the bread machine and got it started.

Chris mentioned at lunch that the steam shovel was moving to the house across from Johnnie. By 3pm, that house was down and I could see her house from my window, which I have never been able to see before. I went to the commissary to pick up some items for Chris. They didn't have exactly what he asked for, so I got the next best things. I tried to use the self-check, but it would not scan my ID. As it turns out, it only scans military ID or CAC cards. So I had to let the ladies bag my groceries even though I brought no cash to pay them.

When I got back, I listened to an interview with Sharyl Attkisson on media censorship. She said it used to be illegal to advertise drugs and vaccines on TV, but today's generation thinks it is normal. Journalists self-censor because they have figured out that certain stories will never get shown. As I listened, I handsewed a strip of scrap fabric over the seams inside my purse to cover the raw edges that showed up here and there.

At 5 I listened to the rejuvenation track. Then I heated some fish and soup in the toaster oven. Chris came home from work. I tried to watch an episode of TQS, but their system told me that my subscription expired in August. (I would swear I have watched episodes since then). Anyway, I purchased another year, then watched an episode about dying fabric.

When all the raw edges had been covered, I put my purse in a bucket of hot soapy water to soak. I read articles online. I heated the leftover tea and added a tulsi tea bag. I drank that as we watched TV, and I took magnesium capsules. Afterward, I brushed my teeth and wrote my blog post.

* Chris' cactus is blooming *

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