Saturday, November 7, 2020

Sewing and Craft Fellowship

Last night I used the mp3 headphones to put me to sleep. It was the wrong song and it didn't work. Eventually I flipped the switch off and rolled over. I forgot to invert the wooden skewers sitting in essential oil. I slept on and off through the night. I got up at 8. Chris was already playing his game.

I started with protein tablets. I brushed and swished. I check e-mail, and looked up an answer for Kurt. I asked Chris for a coconut oil massage and we got into a discussion. After half an hour of reading e-mail, I got my massage. Afterward, I took terrahydrite, and made breakfast, then waited to eat it. William called about shoes he'd found at the thrift store. I noticed the shed door had blown open. I dashed out to shut and secure it. Then got back to the house and realized I was locked out. I didn't want to run to the front door in my nightgown, so I pounded on the door until Chris opened it.

I took a shower and got dressed. I put together a set of Christmas fabrics to go with the projects I was bringing. I also looked for my lace and trims box, but did not find it. I haven't seen it since the first time we lived in Huntsville. I cut some strips and drew 18 copies of Template 3. I packed up my sewing machine and notions in the rolling cart.

Chris put the sewing machine in the back of my car, and the box. It was a very windy day. I put on a light jacket and drove to the post office to pick up the mail, and then went to the chapel. I unlocked the door, then moved all my stuff into the fellowship hall. I was 20 minutes early on purpose. I called Chris to ask if I should leave the door unlocked for others to come in, even though I could not monitor it from the fellowship hall. But I could not get him on the phone. I called several times over the next hour.

I set up the project pieces on a table. I set up my machine nearby. I sewed and cut the strips that I had brought. When no one showed up, I called Johnnie to find out if anyone posted to the Dugway Facebook page at the last minute. She didn't think so. She offered to come over so I sewed until she arrived. We had a nice conversation and then Heather joined us. She had her own project to work on. It was an interesting afternoon. When I was alone, I thought 3pm would never come. But with two women to talk to, it became 4pm in a flash. About 4:30 our little

party broke up. I left last so I could turn off the lights and make sure the doors were locked. Chris finally called me back but I told him I'd be home soon. It was still windy and cooler than before so I was glad to have a coat, and would not have turned down a warmer one.

When I got home, he had done the laundry and had supper in the oven. He had traded out parts from his old laptop to a new one that arrived yesterday. I ate some seed crackers with salsa to tide me over till supper was done. I put on an interview and cut out the little blue kite shapes that I traced this morning. I checked e-mail and looked at red origami paper on Ebay. The best product for my purpose was from China and might not get here until Christmas, which would be too late.

When the sweet potatoes were ready, I ate one with the last of the leftover kimchi. Tasty! I went through more e-mail, trying to get that unread count down. When I noticed it was 8:30, I asked Chris about TV and he said he'd be ready soon. So I made my evening drink, taking extra magnesium capsules instead of powdered magnesium. First we watched “On an Island with You”. More accurately, we watched the second half, which was damaged on disc from last time. Then we watched one episode of Hart of Dixie. Then I sat down to make sense of my blog notes and get ready for bed.

* Another pic from the Asian market *

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