Thursday, November 26, 2020

Seven, Eight - Hang them straight

I started the night with the mp3 headphones, but the sound of waves wasn't putting me to sleep. I took them off and went to sleep on my own. But when Chris' alarm went off in the morning, I put the headphones back on. They were more effective, although they did not block all the sounds that usually assail me first thing in the morning.

I got up after 8. I prepared the coffee and myself for meditation morning. I am trying a new protocol that involves tudca. Blech! I listened to the CD lineup, plus the demolition down the street. They've moved to a house on our block. Then they have two more houses to do and they hope to be done by the 30th, but they won't work this Thursday or Friday.

I cleaned the bathrooms with particular emphasis on the hall bath. I washed the bathroom rugs. I threw a splash of bleach in the toilet to give the room a faint whiff of bleach, but it didn't work. Chris came home for lunch. He brought me a birthday card and a Thanksgiving card that he picked up at the post office.

I washed dishes. I found some tiny nails and secured the glass in a picture frame. I looked up how I had my pictures arranged in the rental house in Huntsville (which Faye and Kurt helped to hang). I spent all afternoon arranging pictures on the dining room table, then hanging them on the wall. I also put up Command strips to hang red swags on the windows. I also hung three pictures in the hall bathroom.

Chris came home a little early. I told him the pictures seemed a little low, like some short person had hung them. He said he couldn't tell. I made and ate breakfast, while he listened to Michele and her friends gaming on Youtube. Then he went to Mass at the chapel. I continued to obsess and I hung pictures over the piano. When Chris came home, he said the Chaplain was going to be home alone so we both thought we should invite him to Thankgiving dinner. But when Chris called him, he had plans to stay home.

I rested from my labors for a little while, then worked on the Christmas masks. The process came to a halt when I could not find the bag with all the elastic and ties and nose wire and patterns in it. I searched all the usual places at least twice. Then I found it in the bag with the sewing day projects. (I swear I looked in there before). I finished only one mask because of the thread change involved.

I made my evening drink and a sleep-scented diffuser. I asked Chris about the order of operations for tomorrow. He didn't know what I meant, so I explained that Cecily would have list of all the food to make, and when it needed to go in the oven, etc. Chris said all he knew was that he'd make the pie first and the asparagus last. What?! Thanksgiving without obsessing?! Maybe he isn't feeling well. I hear there's something going around.

We watched TV, and Chris ate a bog bowl of popcorn. I made him hold it where I couldn't reach it. Afterward I brushed my teeth, was going to put on my night gown but realized I was so busy today that I never took it off. I jotted a few things for my blog, then checked e-mail. Uggh! All those Black Friday promotions. My inbox runneth over. I posted a Thanksgiving message on Facebook, then finished my blog and did some yoga stretches before bed.

* I did not pick this arrangement. *

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