Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The tour


I slept well, then woke up with my fingers numb again. However, this time I had been sleeping on them and circulation returned in less than a minute. Chris was gone. I wrote up my blog post about yesterday.

Chris came back from the gym, and laid on the floor. I read that two militaries that are not making their troops get jabbed are Russia and China. Military pilots are not given experimental drugs. If they need a drug short term, they are given approved drugs that have been around for at least 5 years with a good safety record. I read an article from a friend written by a doctor who could detect bluetooth signals from 86% of his vaccinated patients. I looked into how to use my phone to detect blue tooth signals, but apparently you need a special app.

At 10:35 I washed up and got dressed for church. Then Chris took his shower. We drove to the chapel and arrived just as they were singing the first hymn. We took our places in the front. After the singing, chaplain gave his last sermon. We sang one more song and then the commander said some very nice things about the chaplain and his wife. After the service, we stood around talking. Eileen said I could come by for a tour of her house later. (It is the house we may be moving into).

So we went home for lunch. Actually I made breakfast. Chris ate pizza and started gaming with the crowd. I called Eileen, then went up to the hill to meet her. She showed me all around her house. It is quite big with 4 bedrooms and a sunroom. We talked for a bit outside, then I went home.

I read articles until 4:30, then met Jenni for our usual mile walk around the block. Then she took me inside to show me her collection of card stock. I selected some for our next project. She and her husband and I discussed moving. Her house might be one of the next to get torn down.

When I got home, I watched a video by a human rights attorney. She said DoD tracks ICD10 codes for the military. The five year average of all disease categories combined through 2020 was 1.7 million incidences of disease and injury. In the first 10 months of 2021, it shot up to almost 22 million.

I made cheese sticks and seed crackers. Chris heated tea for me while I finished another video. Then we watched an episode of Columbo. Later Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog and watch the short video clips from Ottawa. So proud of the Canadian truckers.

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