Sunday, January 1, 2023

Fishtailing in the snow


I got up at 8:30, having no idea what time it was. I guess I slept ok once I fell asleep in spite of the snoring. I drank hydrogen water, then brushed and swished. I read e-mail until quarter of 10.

Then I got ready for cleaning. Chris was in the shower. I took a bottle of cleaning vinegar to the dirty house for Jamie. I finished the walls and doors and baseboards in the bedrooms. I mopped the floors and shut the doors.

The guy who wanted to buy the dryer said he'd be late, but before noon. I moved my car out of the driveway. I worked on the banister until the door bell rang. He had arrived in a truck with his kids. I opened the garage and let him see the washer and dryer. He took both and had his kids load them on the truck. He also took the pet doors that Jamie put by the trash. Just as Jamie drove up, he paid me $30 and they took off.

I split the money with Jamie. We chatted, and I went home. I made breakfast. We went to Tooele, slip-sliding along the way. I was worried about getting stuck in the snow. Then the engine overheated and Chris put it in neutral until the message went away.

In Tooele, we shopped for groceries and went to Melanie's. Her husband proclaimed it Fern Friday. Ha! Then we went home, sliding more than before, and leaving the road twice. Chris let the plow go ahead of us, and the driving was better.

When we got home, we put the food away and read e-mail. I ate the last of the steak, then blended up soaked sunflower seeds and cashews. I added fermented juice and let it sit. I read more articles, and watched craft videos.

I wrote my blog post for yesterday, then heated tea. We watched a DVD from Netflix called Marry Me. It was ok. Then, as usual, I went back to reading until 11:30 or so, then went to bed.

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