Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Digging in the dark


I woke up early to pee, then went back to sleep with some trouble. I woke up again, from a dream, and went back to it. When I woke the third time, it was after 8. I felt rested.

I did the usual first things, then parsed 4 days worth of supplements. I ran out of one and had to substitute. I had meant to order more 4 days ago, but life got in the way. I wrote a check to the church in Huntsville. Then I listened to an episode of Financial Rebellion, and then one on sleep. That's when my phone rang. It was Saronna. She was at the swap shop but it wasn't open. I then remembered that I was supposed to unlock it. So, 0 to 60. I threw on clothes and a coat and ran out the door. She and Shiloh were waiting for me. I unlocked the door and apologized profusely. I chatted with Saronna, then checked my p. o. box. Mandy was there mailing something so I chatted with her. I went home and resumed whatever I was listening to. At noon I made and ate breakfast. At 2, I went to Saronna's house to play music, stopping to lock up the swap shop. We practiced hymns and Christmas songs for next year.

I went home for a little bit, then met the ladies at the gym. We walked around the neighborhood. It was a nice, but chilly day. Then I went home again. I heated ground beef and rice in the toaster oven. Later I made a salad. Myra called and we talked about her coming to visit in a few months. Chris came home from work as I scrambled to finish my salad.

We had to leave soon, so I left it on the counter. We drove to the community club for the neighborhood meeting. Chris introduced me to some people there that were on a visiting team. I chatted with them while he ordered his supper. Then I moved to the table with Charity. As other people arrived, we chatted about …? Anyway, the meeting started late. But we discussed lots of activities, including a game night later this month.

It was almost 8 when we got home. I finished my salad and worked on my blog. Ravonna had mentioned digging up the irises in front of the old school since they were going to tear it down. But the word came out today that they are fencing it off tomorrow. So I said I would help. I called Michelle because she is my partner in crime. Well, Ravonna got there first and said the snow was too deep so she went home. Michelle came to pick me up and we went over. She positioned her car so the lights illuminated the front of the school. I was able to located some irises that weren't under snow. Michelle held a flashlight while I pried up bulbs from the frozen ground. It was difficult and uncomfortable so I didn't stay at it long. Then Michelle dropped me off at home. I was almost disappointed that the police never spotted us.

I left the bulbs on the front porch. I went inside and changed pout of the wet pants. It took a while to warm up my fingers and I started to get worried. I made tea and we watched several episodes of SG1. Chris went to bed because he had to leave early for the dentist. I stayed up till 11 as usual.

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