Monday, March 6, 2023

Gaming instruction


Chris got up early. I stayed in bed until 8. It had snowed again. I did the usual first things, then Chris gave me a coconut oil massage and took a shower. I took mine later and he washed the sheets and towels. I got dressed and read e-mail and finished the Day 6 interviews.

Later I made and ate breakfast. Then I put on a dress, placed snacks in a container, and went to the chapel with my trombone and a dust brush and pan. Sgt King was there, cueing up music and talking to John. I cleaned off the sill of the stained glass window. I texted Chris and Jenni. She and her husband walked to church, arriving at the same time as the pastor. Diane and her family came, and then Saronna and three of her kids.

So the pastor gave an introduction, then said a prayer, and talked about communion for some time. Then he invited us to come up and take bread and wine while the music played. It was a pre-recorded song with the words projected onto the screen. But no one sang. Then there was a second song. But I didn't know it either.

The pastor addressed a passage from John 13. When he was done, Saronna and I got up to play. I asked for a hymn suggestion and waited. Then I suggested one fitting for the end of a service. But it didn't go well. So Jenni suggested another one and we played that. Then some stayed to talk and others left. We had snack. Saronna said she would bring snack next week. She also asked if I would teach a sewing class to the kids at the LDS church one night, maybe next month.

When I got home, Chris was gaming with the voices. I read e-mail for awhile, and ate some fruit. Then I changed back into regular clothes. I asked Chris for his 4th ed book. I put my gaming sheets in it, and headed out. I stopped at the company house to pick up my bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Then I parked in front of Jenni's house.

I sat with her husband as he explained the character sheet and options I had for my character. Jenni sat nearby, gluing tiny squares to a sticky sheet to make a picture. After almost three hours, my head was full, so I thanked them and went home.

I talked to Chris for a bit, then put beef and rice in the toaster oven. I smashed garlic and made a salad. I ate while reading articles. Then I started a Day 7 interview. I paused it to work on my blog.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of SG1. I helped Chris dress the bed, then he turned in. I stayed up to finish the interview, then went to bed around 11.

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