Thursday, March 30, 2023

Fixing the hole


I got up around 8, not having slept well. I just couldn't get comfortable. I rinsed the sprouts. I prepared for coffee morning. Like last week, I sifted the grounds, then blew on them to get rid of the plastic pieces. When this bag is finished and I open the next one, I am going to save it in a different container.

I put on the CD line-up, then meditated and tapped for several hours. I started a regimen of 3 drops of MMS per hour. I cleaned the bathrooms and the kitchen. As usual, washing the dishes took the longest. I vacuumed floors, then took a break to read e-mail. I took my shower and got dressed. I folded most of the laundry from Saturday.

I read e-mail, listening to the wind howl. I jotted notes for my blog. I got a needle and thread to sew up a hole in my sock. I searched for a podcast to listen to, then remembered to feed the plants and change the water.

I met Michelle at the gym. We walked the track for half an hour then worked out in the weight room. We chatted and then went home. I listened to a podcast while sewing the heel of my sock. I went on to read e-mail.

Chris came home from work and changed clothes and made his supper. I thought about eating since I haven't eaten normally since Sunday morning. But I didn't. I posted to my blog and made tea. We watched episodes of SG1. Later he went to bed. My stomach began to cramp. I did my yoga stretches and hit the hay.

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