Saturday, March 18, 2023

Doing laundry in stages


I got up around 8, having gone to bed early. I got ready for the day. Chris had put a roast in the oven before he left at 6.

I went online to order some silver. Picking something was easy, but paying for it was hard. There were lots of payment options but some were more expensive. I tried ACH, but they insist on using Plaid. I looked it up and was not impressed with their 'We don't share your info, except …'. So I tried by wire. After a few phone calls, it turns out my bank only does wire transfers if I show in person. Not feasible for an out-of-state bank. Needless to say, it took most of the morning.

So around 11, I picked up the mail at the post office, then went to the company house. I put in a load of laundry. Then I went to the house on Mustang to pick up more potting soil. But it was cold and my fingers got stiff. So I went home to get a trowel.

I read e-mail for a bit, then made and ate breakfast. I went back to the company house to throw the sheets in the dryer and the towels and bath mats in the washer. I came back and ate some fruit. Then I pulled the roast from the oven. I let it cool a bit on the stove, then put some in a bowl to eat. Later I put it in the fridge.

I went back to the company house to throw the towels in the dryer and the sheets on the beds. Then I went to the commissary for what groceries they had. They never have sprouts, but I am growing some in a jar. They also didn't have corned beef, something I look forward to once a year. I went home and put the groceries away. I cut off the leaves of Pete's Butter Lettuce, and planted the roots in the tower garden.

I went back to the company house to put the towels away and quickly sweep the floors. Then I went to the other house to sweep up the remaining potting soil. When I got back, I dumped the collection into a large green tub in the garage.

I listened to a documentary while reading e-mail. Then I made a salad and ate supper. I listened to various speakers, then worked on my blog. Michelle texted that they were ready for game night. So I finished my blog and put on shoes. I emptied the water container and took it with me. I drove to her house. The kids were still up. I gave her some cheese squares. She gave me a mixture with faux crab that she made for the kids. It was good. Her husband queued up the game.

As I spoke to them, her husband told me his father had died. So we discussed that for a while. Then I started the game. The kids would make suggestions. But this was a hard one because the balls were already placed on the board and the directions were fixed. The only thing I could change were the placements of the corners. The balls were arranged in 'trains' of metal ball, rubber ball, and bomb. The 'exit' was nearly surrounded by magnets. So when the train got close to the exit, the metal ball stuck to the magnet which stopped the rubber ball and the bomb ran into the rubber ball, blowing it up. To win the game, all 4 rubber balls had to drop through the exit. So hard! Michelle looked up the solutions and gave me hints when I asked for them.

She put the kids to bed and we played through two more games. Finally I called it quits at 10:55. But then she wanted to talk about her plans if she gets the job as the new MWR director. 45 minutes later, I got to leave, with a full water container.

As I drove home, a police truck pulled in behind me. I got a little worried, but he didn't follow my turn onto Carr Circle. However, as I pulled into my driveway, he came down my street and passed the house, but didn't stop. Maybe Chris asked the police to keep an eye on me? Anyway, I put the water in the kitchen, shut off my phone, did my stretches and went to bed.

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