Saturday, March 11, 2023

The long-awaited Azure Standard order


I got up at 8, not having slept well because something my stomach had trouble digesting. I prepared for the day, watered the plants, then read e-mail for a while. I went to the company house to spray the tubs and squirt cleaner in the toilets. They had obligingly stripped their beds and left the sheets in a pile. But they ALSO took the covers off of the duvets. My heart sank, knowing how much work it is to get them back in those covers. So there were three loads of laundry. I put one load in the washer, left one on the floor and took the last one home.

I went home and listened to an interview:

Take proteolytic enzymes at first sign of flu to digest the protein coating on virus. Food allergies often come from foreign proteins. Partially digested protein is treated like foreign protein. Taking protein enzymes can help. He takes Flora Advanced Adult enzyme blend: UDO's choice

Just after 10:30, I threw the laundry in the dryer and went to the company house to throw the sheets in the dryer and put the towels in the washer. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I vacuumed the floors. I took the sheets from the dryer and started putting them on beds.

But it got late, so I went home for breakfast. There was a towel that wasn't dry so I put it back in the dryer and made breakfast. Chris came back from the office and doing his sit-rep. When I finished eating, we went to Tooele for groceries. I picked up my Azure Standard order at Melanie's, and chatted with the lady there. Then we shopped at Macey's, went back to post, and shopped at the commissary.

When we got home, we put away the food. Michelle texted me that a lady had lost her necklace in front of a building in Ditto. So she picked me up to go look for it. We paced back and forth all around the building, but found everything but a necklace. She dropped me off at home.

I made supper, and a salad. I looked at articles online as I ate. Then I worked on my blog. It was almost 8, when I took my water container and went to Michelle's house for game night. It was raining. She welcomed me and then left me to start the game while she tucked in her kids. Later she came back to watch me play and give me hints. We worked through a couple of games. Then all of a sudden, it was 11. So I quit the game and thanked them, then took the full water container home.

Chris had just gone to bed so I unplugged the router and got myself ready to sleep, then turned in for the night.

** This is from an article on ChatGPT **

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