Friday, June 23, 2023



I got up around 7:30. I checked my texts, then started coffee morning. Instead of reading, I went to Mike's house to wash off the last of the bleach and to see that the spots were gone. Then I went to the garden to water the seedlings.

When I got back, I proceeded with the meditation and tapping. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen and watered the indoor and outdoor plants. Myra and Scott came over. They helped me carry the large mirror to the swap shop. We chatted a bit with Tonja and Rebecca who were rearranging things there.

When we got back, I got my purse and we climbed in their car. We went to a small town called Eureka that they passed through last night and wanted to see during the day. Most stores were closed. I could see in the windows that they were full of antiques, taxidermy, rocks, old mining equipment. The rock shop was open so we went in. The proprietress introduced herself as Crazy Mary.

We walked up and down the street, We visited the caboose car. Then we drove around, looking for a public bathroom. Such a small town. We investigated an unmarked road. Finally we headed back. I fell asleep in the back seat. I woke up before we got to the turnoff for Dugway. As we were going through the pass, Scott pulled into the campground just to see it. We used the facility there. We were surrounded by insect clicking. Isn't that what happens in horror movies right before the people get eaten alive?

When we got back to post, they took me home. They gave me the rest of their bundle of bottled water and sun screen. We hugged goodbye and they went to their hotel for the Wednesday spread.

I picked a pea pod from the plant in the front yard and ate it before any animal could get it. I checked out the sun's position on the far side of the house. I started reading e-mail. Chris came home from work, too late to go to Mass. He fixed himself supper. I listened to This Week with Mary and Polly. I worked on my blog.

We went to the headquarters building. Among other things, I saw Revonna's plants that she is storing during her move. I also saw SmartMan, a dummy used to test chemical suits. When we got home, I made tea and we watched the last two episodes of SG1 season 9. Michelle brought over two jars of goat milk. She asked to meet Myra. Later Chris went to bed. I stayed up to find places to put the milk and to make up more supplements for the week, and check e-mail.

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