Saturday, July 1, 2023



I got up at 8, having woken from a dream where I had remarried and moved into a new community. I was living in an old farm house with rustic paneled walls. My new friends were ripping out the old carpet, exposing older flooring. They brought in dark tiles to replace it and told me I'd need a mortgage to pay for them. I tried to tell them as nicely as possible that I didn't like the tile and I wasn't going to pay for it, but I appreciated that they were going to do all the installation.

I brushed and got dressed. I went outside to water, but everything was so green and lush after the rain last evening. I hoped I wasn't making a mistake. I jotted notes for my blog and finished the quilt sleeve. Michelle texted so I took four quilts and met her at the club. There was no ladder, so instead of hanging them from the ceiling, we put pool cues through the sleeves and draped them on things. Then we went to MWR and the headquarters building. We wanted to find a nice way to package stuff for the incoming colonel, but after many trips here and there, we were told that we could not.

We stopped to see the water slide put up. I almost tried it out, but then Charity arrived in her bathing suit, so I let her do it.

We went to Headquarters. We mapped out my to-do list on a white board and she took a pic of it and texted it to me. I dropped Michelle off at her house. Then I went home to eat and watch The Highwire. Chris came home for lunch. He asked me to pause it so he could comment on what he heard. He also wanted two 20's to pay for the colonel's going away party. He said since I didn't want chicken, he ordered the fake chicken dinner for me. Like Beyond Meat. I said real chicken would be better. Finally he went back to work. I was way behind on watching and tried to catch up. Then I had to pause it to write out a cleaning contract. I went to Tim's house. He was with the inspectors looking at a sink hole in the next yard. Then we had to call someone with keys because the door had locked behind him.

When Gary showed up with keys, we went inside and looked around. There was stuff to take to the swap shop. I counted the money, then signed the paperwork and let him sign and they signed. They checked off all the appliances. Then he wanted to take a little more on his truck, so I asked him to lock up when he left.

I went to the garden to quickly water it. Then I went home to drop off the contract and met Michelle at the gym. We worked out for almost an hour. Then I went home to wrestle with the computer in order to post a sewing class to the Facebook page. Then I deleted e-mail and jotted notes for my blog. I read some e-mail, then went to the celebration about 4:30.

I parked at the hotel and walked over to the club. I saw Saronna sitting in the back near Karen. I sat and talked to them for a bit, then walked over to the woodworking display and talked to the lady behind it. Then Michelle came over for the keys to the chapel. I asked if she needed help and she said kind of. So I went with her and Casey to the chapel. We unloaded food from her car and put it in the chapel refridgerator. Then Casey dropped us off at the club again.

This time we sat outside. Tonja and Jeff joined us. We watched eating contests. I joined in the hot dog contest because they needed more people. However someone finished 4 hotdogs as I finished the first one. I ate a second one anyway and gave the last two to Saronna, but then someone gave me an extra set of hotdogs for Chris. Michelle ate two of them, and Casey ate one. There was one left for Chris but when I found him, he was not hungry so I gave it to Casey. I also joined in the chicken wing contest, also because they needed more people. Again, someone finished all 10 before I ate 5. The wings were hot to the touch but not spicy. So someone brought me a jalapeno to eat with them. I did not finish it. Michelle had joined the jalapeno contest and won it by eating 5. Her husband had to go home and get her some goat milk to curb the burning.

A country band came and performed, but each song was slow and not energetic. But they'd been booked about a week ago, so.... It got dark. I went inside to collect my quilts. I stopped to talk to Karen who was displaying her bead work. Then Chris helped me fold the quilts and we headed to my car. But then he spotted CJ. She had eggs in her car for me. I gave her a $20 and she ran off to getthem. I asked Chris to take the quilts to my car and he did. When he returned, I left the party heading to my car when I ran into CJ. She gave me the eggs. I walked to my car and went to Michelle's house. Casey showed me how to turn on the TV, the raspberry pie, the game and how to load it. Michelle took notes for me. He showed me his garden out back. We watched fireworks from Michelle's house. We discussed the cat and having supper at their house. Then I went to Revonna's house to bring in her trash can. I also made sure that Tim's house was locked up tight. Then I went home. I sent Chris a message that I was home in case he was waiting for me. Then I worked on my blog and went to bed.

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