Thursday, June 1, 2023

Happy Birthday, Michele


I got up around 7:30. I rinsed sprouts and prepared for coffee morning. I meditated and tapped. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. Chris came home for lunch. I finished washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen. I took a shower. I checked my e-mail.

I wrote out a contract for the signover this afternoon. I watched videos on disassembling Dysons and cleaning them. I went to the 4pm house to sign, stopping at Housing to drop off two more colonel keys. But when I got to the house, no one was there. I took a moment to address the flat rate box going to Diane. I saw the inspectors drive up the street, but they stopped at a different house. I called Jamie and left a message. I called Housing, but I had the wrong number.

When Jamie arrived, I gave her the money for cleaning the apartment. She gave me back $50 for all the times I handled quotes and signings. She called Housing and found out the signover appointment had been changed to 3:30. I was going walking at 3:30, so she offered to take the contract and handle the signing.

I went to the gym (due to sudden rain) to walk with the ladies but no one showed up. I talked to Tiffany for a bit, then went to the post office to mail Diane's package. I went back to the house for signing and they had just finished. I checked out the burner bowls on the stove. They were bad.

The inspectors left. I was talking to Jamie and the rain hit again so we rushed to our cars and went to the swap shop so she could drop stuff off. Then I went home. I took apart the vacuum and cleaned what I could. I did not have a star tool to open it all the way, but I used a wire hook to get the dirt out. Then I left everything to dry. I also worked on the brush roll.

Chris came home from work for just a bit, then went to Mass. I called Michele to wish her a happy birthday. We talked until Chris came home and we both had to make a pit stop. I saw Jenni had posted about water aerobics but I was done for the day.

I watched some short videos, then worked on my blog. Michelle texted that she needed one more crockpot so I grabbed mine and went to her house. She wasn't home so I left it there. I went to Diane's house to run the trash out to the curb. But the garage door was wide open. I walked in, expecting to see Jamie. But the house was empty. So I rolled the bins to the curb and shut the door.

Just as I was leaving, Jamie drove up. She was visibly upset. She had seen something in the 4pm's house that bothered her. So we walked over there, dodging sprinklers as we went. When we got there, I saw lots of little stuff left behind. Jamie pointed to a small box. It had girl socks in it. Since he did not seem to have a family, she had a bad feeling about it. We talked and looked around for anything else anomalous. We looked in the shed. Trash. I promised I would call Diane in the morning.

We walked back to my car. I went home and told Chris, but he seemed to think nothing of it. I made tea and we watched SG1. He suggested I get the next season tomorrow. He went to bed and I stayed up to listen to part of a movie called Level with Me.

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