Sunday, June 4, 2023

Rain, rain, go away


I stayed in bed till 8, awake but ruminating. I got up to rinse sprouts, take supplements, etc. watered the plants outside. I read some e-mail, then got my plants ready to go. I also grabbed the cheese squares and a plastic tablecloth.

I went to the garden and spread the tablecloth. Saronna's family was in their car. They got out when I arrived. I had trouble opening the cloth because of something sticky. So I put the plants there and the food at the other end. I had sweet potato sprouts, sprouted white potatoes, and corn sprouts to share.

The CSM came with food and Jenni had fruit, and Michelle brought sandwiches, ice cream, and leftover snacks from the party yesterday. Erin brought egg and cheese casseroles. There were also biscuits and croissants. People ate, then worked in their gardens.

Did I mention that it rained on us? But nobody left. We just hung out trying to keep the food dry until it was over. Chris said it wasn't really rain. Someone handed me an umbrella. Afterward, I talked to Saronna and Randy in their garden and pulled a few of their weeds to add to mine. When I realized it was noon, I headed home to make my sewing project.

I scraped together a variety of elastic. I cut and sewed and made a bookmark. Then I made a light breakfast after having eaten sandwiches and stuff at the garden. I listened to an interview, then realized how late it was.

I asked Chris to load the machines in my car. I packed the bags of fabric and notions. We went to the chapel and he unloaded the machines for me. I started setting up in the fellowship hall. Sophia was first in. She and her brother helped set up the machines. Her sister wasn't feeling well. I helped them all cut, then helped Wilhelm do the sewing. He is learned gradually to do more of the process.

I took pics of each student as they finished. Then the whole family helped me pack up and carry the machines out to the car. Wilhelm lost his elastic bookmark. I suspected I had it because he used the same fabric and elastic that I did. He was so happy that his matched his mother's pouch.

They followed me home. I gave her the hose winder with 100ft hose and a splitter and a hose to reach from the faucet to the hose winder. They are going to set it up to water the apple tree and pear tree. Then they left and I helped Chris unpack my car.

I read for a bit, then went to the garden. I planted corn sprouts and sweet potato vines and some white potatoes. I forgot my trowel so I dug with a pair of scissors. When I watered it all down, I realized that I wasn't alone: a gopher snake was hanging out in the corner.

I went home, seeing dark clouds appear. I read e-mail for awhile, then went to the pool. Casey was already in so I swam and talked to him for a bit, then Michelle got in. I wore myself out swimming around while she talked. Finally the life guards called time. The water was warm, but getting out into the wind was cold.

When I got home, I wrapped myself in a dry towel. I helped Chris fold the laundry. Then I changed into a nightgown. I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched the last two episodes of season 8, missing some of the last one because of scratches on the DVD.

Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up too late listening to an interview with Dr. Bahkdi.

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