Saturday, July 29, 2023

Dinner party instead of Game Night


I got up late. Almost 8. I got dressed and watered all the plants, inside and out. I tied up a tomato plant with some netting for a tiny bit of shade. I saw a strange critter skulking around. Chris came out and identified it as a weasel. A gopher had covered one of the sprinklers with a mound of dirt as his new home. I watered it until he had to come up for air and, well, he won't be doing that again.

I used the old laptop with the new one to make sure all the same apps were loaded at the bottom of the screen. Then I got online to check e-mail for a bit. Chris seemed anxious for me to move over to the newer one. But when I realized it was 10am, I dropped everything and went to 607 to clean.

I got there a little after 10. I started on the fridge. Jamie came over and said someone had been here, going through the swap shop stuff. I suggested we change the garage code. Neither of us knew how. I finished cleaning inside the fridge and behind the fridge. It was just after noon when I got home. I made breakfast and ate it while reading e-mail on the less new laptop. Chris didn't come back from the office until after 1. He had pizza for lunch. Then we went to Tooele for groceries. We listened to most of the last CD on the way back. We shopped at the commissary, then went home to unload.

We were supposed to have dinner on the hill, so I resisted any snacking. There really wasn't time to clean and I was tired, so I tried to do little things that I never get a chance to do. Then I took a shower and put on nicer shorts and t-shirt.

At 6, I wanted to jot down something for my blog, but I could not find the file! And there was no time to look. I took some sweet potato plants and we went up the hill to the commander's house. The present and future CSM's were there with their kids. I talked to the autistic son until we were called to dinner. Then we got plates of food (beef stroganoff and broccoli) and sat in groups to eat. I ate outside with Shannon and her kids. It was good to be away from all the wi-fi in the house.

Later we went inside and she brought out the two little dogs. So cute! The Rawls family went home. I think the Henderson kids did too. Their dad stayed to talk to the remaining 4 of us: first in the kitchen and then outside in the front. It was hard to break away for game night because new topics kept coming up.

When we finally got home, it was just before 10. Too late for game night. Chris went to bed. I texted Michelle that I wasn't coming, then tried to work on my blog while she kept texting me back. Finally she signed off and I finished my posting and went to bed.

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