Thursday, July 13, 2023

Turning the ammo box into a planter


I got up around 8, and did the usual. I watered plants outside, then read e-mail, trying to catch up. I went to Tim's house at 11. I washed baseboards and the front doorway, and mopped the dining room floor. I had to carry a scraper with me because some waxy stuff (probably Mop-n-Glo) was adhering old dirt to the floor.

I went home late for lunch. I read e-mail as I ate. Then at 2, I went to Saronna's house. Her husband was home and in pain. We played music and talked with her husband. Then he offered to watch the kids so we went for a walk. We visited the apple tree and the mulberry tree. Both were loaded with fruit.  We walked back to her house and I got in my car.

On my way home, I passed Tonja walking, so I gave her a ride to the swap shop. I went home and saw Revonna was home, so I went over to her house. We talked about chairs. She needed furniture and wanted some stuff in Tim's garage so I left it open for her. I went home to rehydrate. I read e-mail and ate leftovers for supper.

Chris came home from work. I went to the garden to water and change the timer to 4x ( I wanted 3x/day but that wasn't an option). I stopped by Michelle's house to check on the cat. When I got home, I filled the planter box with potting soil and vermiculite and perlite. I transplanted what I think are little bean and tomato plants.

I heated tea, and jotted notes for my blog. We watched two episodes of Andromeda. Chris went to bed and I stayed up later to listen to a podcast on current events..


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