Sunday, July 30, 2023

Workout, pool, and game night


We slept in late and had some cuddle time. I got dressed and went outside to fertilize the plants. I read e-mail for a bit, then at 10 went to the company house to get the sheets started. I also stopped by the post office and found a package of fabric from Joanns. I came home to check Facebook messages.

I went to 607 and cleaned the stove and its alcove for an hour. I started on the cupboard beside it when I got a text to open the swap shop. I went to the company house to throw the sheets in the dryer and put the towels in the washer. Then I headed to the swap shop and greeted them. I unlocked it and they looked for something they didn't mean to donate, but didn't find it.

I went home for breakfast and read e-mail.

At 3, I went to the company house to clean and make beds for 1:35. I went to the gym for a weighted workout. Then I went to the garden to check on the irrigation system and to water the strawberry plants which looked to have burnt up in the 104 temp yesterday. I went home for supper and had leftover steak. Jamie brought cash for 607. I was tired but I put on a suit and went to the pool. She arrived as I was getting in. I swam around and talked to Michelle and then Jenni. Finally I saw Saronna and her kids. I went down the kiddie slide just as the pool was closing. I climbed out and dried off and went home.

I ate some papaya and rested. Then I got the water container and poured a bottle of tea. I went to the company house to put the clean duvet cover back on the duvet. It took 10 minutes. Then 1 went to game night at Michelle's.

Casey had the 3d version of Myst up. I played around with it but had trouble navigating. So he put up the regular version. I used my last save point to play to the end of the game. It was very anti-climactic. I handed Atrus the page he kept begging to have, then he ignored me and continued writing in his book. Nothing else was clickable, so I clicked on his book and found myself back in the Myst library.

Then Casey tried uploading Riven but it was having a problem, so he brought up Secret of Monkey Island. The terrain didn't look familiar, but the main character's name was, so I played around with it until Riven was up.

By then it was almost 11. We ran through the opening sequence, then shut it down. He carried the filled water container to my car. I said goodnight to Michelle to appeared to be asleep, and went home. Chris was asleep, so I went through the usual nightly routine and hit the hay.

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