Sunday, July 9, 2023

Not cleaning the company house


I did not sleep well, so I got up late, 8:30. I got ready for the day. I went to the company house but found the beds had not been stripped. So I went back home. I watered all the outdoor plants. I tried to download pics from my phone to my laptop. But things had changed. Chris tried to help me. I did not understand what he did. But at least we established that it was possible to get the pics from one to the other. I did both phones, then spent quite some time cropping week's worth of pictures.

Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. I took a shower and then he did. Jamie came by for more advance cash. I made and ate breakfast. I tried to load Telegram but it asked me to do things I couldn't. He downloaded Discord and got it to work. Then he looked into Telegram and said I would have to put it on my phone first. So we did that, got the code to get it on the laptop, then uninstalled it from my phone. Phew! I spent quite some time then, reviewing Telegram messages.

Finally around 3:30 I took a break. I went to the company house again and still no stripped beds. I wondered if they even wanted the house cleaned. I left and went to Tim's house. Jamie was working there. We talked a bit, then went back to work. But soon she decided to leave. So after that, I cleaned by myself, scrubbing the pantry, walls, and baseboards. Also window tracks and back doors.

I left around 5:45. I jotted notes for my blog. I had some chicken for supper. Then I put on my suit and went to the pool. It was empty, so I started swimming laps. But then a family came with a bunch of kids so I avoided the shallow end of the pool. Then Casey arrived. I paddled around and spoke to him. Then Michelle came. And we talked. Heather showed up and joined in. 

I had brought the large clock, but the setting sun made it difficult to read. But as the sun lowered, eventually I could see that it was time to go. We worked our way to the shallow end, then continued to talk as we got out and dried off. Finally it was just Michelle and me. We walked to the parking lot and finished talking. We each went home.

I helped Chris fold laundry. Then I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched Andromeda. Afterward, we made the bed with clean sheets. I stayed up for a little bit, but was tired, so then went to bed.


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