Sunday, August 27, 2023

And I win! If you can call it that.


I got up after 8. I watered the indoor and outdoor plants. I poured ammonia in some gopher holes. I went to the company house to start the laundry, but there wasn't any. The beds were all made like I left them last week, but there was a little garbage in the can and one of the chairs had been moved from the table. Well, it's a good day not to do laundry since there expected power outages.

I went home and got online. I read up on the next thing to do for Riven. Later I asked Chris for a massage. During the massage, Faye called, but I didn't answer. After the massage, he took his shower and then I took mine. I laid out on the back patio for a bit, then remembered Faye's call. I called her back and we talked. Nothing urgent. Then I made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail. Well, mostly. The power went out for a minutes and when it came back, the internet did not. So I worked on my blog.

When the internet came back up, I listened to a podcast on lymphatics. Around 3, I went to the company house to clean. I cleaned for almost an hour. Then I went to the swap shop to vacuum and mop. The vacuum didn't work that well. The dirt didn't make it to the dust cup. I also swept and mopped some in the room across the hall.

Then, I went to 408. I mopped all the downstairs floors. As I finished up, I heard a lawnmower and it was Jamie. I helped her pick up the tumbleweeds in the lawn so she could mow better. Then I gathered my cleaning supplies and appliances, and went home.

It was almost 6. I ate leftovers while reading e-mail, then I put on my bathing suit and went to the pool. Michelle and her family were there, as was Jenni. I swam around as we talked. I went off the diving board, but could not touch the bottom. When the lifeguard announced it was 7:45, we all got out. I gave Michelle a key. We all dried off and went home.

I changed out of my suit. I texted Michelle. I finished up my blog. Michelle invited me to come over at 9 for another game night. So I did. Casey was working on programming a string of tiny LED lights. The game was up on the TV. I had several moves planned, but the first one got unexpected results, so I was winging from there. With a little help from Michelle and the internet, I was able to open the star fissure. A video clip played of the characters thanking me and then they went back to Myst island and I found myself falling into the fissure and a voice told me I would find my way home. So ends the game.

It was 11 and I was ready to go, but we chatted a little longer about tomorrow. Then I went home. Chris was awake, reading in bed. I went through my evening routine and turned out the lights.

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