Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Turning over a house


I got up at 7:30. I got dressed and watered the outdoor plants. Then I picked through the sunflower sprouts to get the goop out. It had to be one sprout at a time, so very tedious. Chris came home to get something and say he wouldn't be home for lunch.

I went to Housing to schedule an inspection at 2 for 603. Then I went over there to finish cleaning. I thought it was almost done, but discovered the fridge hadn't been cleaned nor the area behind it. I guess it was some other fridge that I remember cleaning.

I worked till 12:45, then went home for breakfast. I went back for inspection: it passed with caveats. I picked up dog poop in the back yard. I removed the last things in the garage. I went home for a broom and swept the shed, but the dirt was stuck to the floor.

I went home to finish breakfast. I went to Jamie's house to pick up the last key to 603 and I returned them to Housing. Then I went by the gym, but it was closed. So I went home and signed into Zoom for the quilt guild meeting. Then Chris came home and turned on the router and plugged in the modem, which threw me off the call. When the system achieved equilibrium again, I got back in and listened to the rest of the meeting. They were doing fabric postcards and I missed some of the pics.

Chris put fish in the oven to bake. After the meeting, I went outside to the tower garden to pick some greens for a salad. I washed them and ripped them and put them in a bowl with dressing and tomatoes. I put a piece of fish on top and ate that while reading e-mail.

Jenni came by for her swap shop key. We talked outside then it started to rain so we came in. I gave her some more fabric to make her rug. Chris left for a special Catholic service put on by a priest from the visiting troops. After Jenni left, I went back to listening to a podcast. I worked on my blog.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of Andromeda. Chris went to bed and I stayed up later.

** From Show-n-tell **

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