Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Getting rid of the bike and grill


I got up before 8, my ears ringing loudly. I took the probiotic and used the new meter to check for electrical, magnetic, and RF fields. Even the airtube headphones were putting out a field.

I read e-mail and listened to a discussion. I went to the company house to make sure everything was in the right place and their stuff was gone. Some of it wasn't. Then I went to the library to make copies of music for the next band night. I moved the vacuum from the company house to the new apartment. I removed some left behind food and baggies, intending to give them to Saronna. I took stuff to the swap shop. I went home.

Michelle wanted to go walking so I met her at the gym. We walked the track for half an hour. Then we went to her house and juiced the other half cabbage. We drank more than a cup each. She gave me a gallon of goat milk and I gave her $10 plus a promise of cheese.

I went home to make and eat breakfast. I poured the four quarts of milk into the large black pot and got it simmering. I read e-mail as I ate. When the milk was hot enough, I poured in the vinegar to make cheese.

Someone messaged me wanting to go to the swap shop. So I ran down there and opened it and went home again. I skimmed the curds from the whey and filled two jars. I also poured the whey in bottles to freeze. Then she messaged wanting to know if there was a file cabinet in the furniture room (which wasn't open). Also, the company said they didn't want the second grill. So I went to the house to take a pic of the grill. Then I went by the swap shop to open the furniture room and take a pic of the file cabinet. Then I went home to message the pic of the cabinet to the lady and to post the pic of the grill on the community pages. The lady went and picked up the cabinet.

I went to the new apartment to clean in the kitchen for 2 hours. When I got home, there were messages about the grill. I saw Kim's first so I told her to go get it. Then I saw others and was not sure what order they were in because they were on different pages.

So then I had to get rid of the bike in the shed. I wasn't sure what condition it was in and if I could ride it home (since it would not fit in my car). So I called Michelle who has an SUV. She said Casey would meet me over there. So I went back to the company house to check out the bike. There was a plastic strip coming out of the front tire. Casey arrived and told me it was shot. So he took it over to the dumpster and left it in front. I hope someone will see it and take it. Then I saw Kim and her husband checking out the grill. We spoke for a few minutes, then I went home.

I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. One of the episodes had the Spiderman actor in it. Chris got ready for bed. I looked for a sleep story, this time to play low but without headphones. I put it on low, but maybe it was too low because I didn't fall asleep and was straining to hear it. After it ended, I went to bed and had more trouble sleeping.

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